Handisco, the smart health connected cane for the visually impaired

The visually impaired sometimes find it difficult to get around town independently. But thanks to Handisco, a smart health connected white cane, they will be able to face the obstacles of the city.

A white cane… smart health connected!

It looks like a completely normal white cane. But Handisco is is actually a cane for the visually impaired packed with technology. It has ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, GPS and it is smart health connected to municipal services from the city. Because the advantage of this cane for the visually impaired is to allow them to move around the city in avoiding all obstacles who can show up. It thus works on the same principle as the smart health connected armchair created in collaboration with Stephen Hawking.

The cane for the visually impaired allows you to move around the city independently

What features for Handisco?

Handisco can help locate the user's journey thanks to the included GPS associated with a Bluetooth headset. Cane can spot obstacles on the ground or those located high up that a conventional cane couldn't spot. When it detects an obstacle, it vibrates so that the wearer can go around it. The headset can also beep and the entire device will be controlled by voice command.

smart health connected to city services via WIFI or 3G, the visually impaired cane can interact with traffic lights, indicate the number of remaining bus stops, or provide store information. Finally, wearers can do ring their cane if they have lost it through a sound system.

Where does this project come from and what future awaits it?

This rod was created by a team of five students originally from Nancy. Their project seems to arouse some interest since it has was a winner of the Cisco Challenge. To perfect their cane, the students teamed up with specialists in disability and the world of blindness. They also work in collaboration with the Valentin Haüy association, which supports the blind. End users being at the center of all their concerns.

sources: handisco.com – mieux-voir.com


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