The center specializing in the treatment of cancer Gustave Roussy (Villejuif) and the French start-up Owkin formalized the signing of a partnership on December 19, 2024. The doctors of the hospital will have access to the "Owkin Studio" platform to benefit "artificial intelligence algorithms"developed by the start-up and thus boost clinical cancer research. This agreement follows the AI For Health Challenge event, organized by the Ile-com-France region, won in early September 2024 by Owkin.
quantify the risk of relapse
"This partnership is part of a win-win logic", explains Stéphane Pardoux, Deputy Managing Director of Gustave Roussy. As part of this"strategic alliance"Owkin will benefit from a"privileged space"in the hospital premises. Its employees will be able to work there with hospital experts to train their algorithms on"complete and homogeneous cohorts".
Several areas of oncology will thus be explored by doctors and data scientists. Two projects are considered to be priority: quantifying the risk of relapse in patients with localized breast cancer and selecting the best treatment through the search for a biomarker from scanner and ultrasound images. "We will save precious time, both in clinical support for patients and in our academic work", welcomed Professor Nathalie Lassau, radiologist at Gustave Roussy.
Owkin anchors in the French hospital ecosystem
Owkin is not in its first partnership. At the end of October 2024, the young shoot was chosen by the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux com Paris (AP-HP) for "accelerate clinical research"in cancerology, cardiology and immunology (the study of the immune system). Owkin is also part of the" Healtchain "project. Funded by the investment bank Bpifrance, this project aims to create a research platform open source while protecting health data.