The manufacturer of smart health connected cameras GoPro wants to raise up to $ 100 million for its IPO despite a delicate context.
$ 100 millionis the amount the camera maker GoPro hopes to raise when it goes public. In a file it just filed last night with the American regulator (SEC), GoPro also published its figures for the year 2013: these are no less than 985 million euros in revenue which were generated by its activity, up 87% compared to the year before. After giving up his IPO for the first time in 2013 – due to the lack of a favorable economic context, he now seems more than motivated.
Gopro: A difficult market environment for technology stocks
Many specialists point out the risk of this IPO which occurs at a time when the technological values are particularly rowdy on the stairs. If Box or Alibaba decided to postpone their IPO a few days ago, it is because they do not want to suffer the failure of that of King.com (Candy Crush) or TrueCar. In this uncertain stock market context, GoPro's growth for the first quarter of 2014 is slightly down (-7%), which should not reassure shareholders. We will also not mention the growing interest that Apple and Google have in this segment – the first step being the famous Google Glass …
Although smart health connected objects are particularly popular, they are subject to the harsh laws of the financial markets. A few weeks ago, the French AwoX had its first trading day with a fanfare, but the downturn in the markets made it fall back under its introductory price today. Same story with the listed fund GSV Capital (which has notably invested in Jawbone) which has lost 30% since its highest in March.
For those who do not know GoPro, here is a short presentation ehealth:
(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wbvpOIIBQA (/ embed)