Google’s smart contact lenses will soon be a reality! Google recently took a giant step since its patent application, filed in 2012, has just been validated.
Google’s smart contact lenses are incredibly futuristic and could change the lives of many of us. What, for now, is just a prototype, could save lives in the future. Equipped with miniature sensors and a radio antenna thinner than a human hair, they are able to monitoring glucose levels in the wearer's blood.
They could be very practical for diabetics who would only have to take a look at the application on their smartphone to control their glucose level in real time and ensure that it does not fall below d 'at a certain level.
Google entered into an agreement with drug maker Novartis in July 2014. "We look forward to working with Google to pool their advanced technology and in-depth knowledge of biology," said Joseph Jimenez, CEO of Novartis, at the time. .
These smart lenses come straight from the incredible Google X laboratory, or Google X Lab, which works on projects such as Google Glass or a portable device that could detect cancer. Andrew Conrad, in charge of life sciences at Google, recently presented a pill containing magnetic antibodies that would attach to cancer cells.