GoBe would therefore really measure calories …


It has been proven, the GoBe smart health connected bracelet manages to accurately measure the calories ingested, in real time. Ideal for following your line.

A few months ago, the Russian Healbe won his bet on IndieGoGo by raising more than a million dollars for GoBe, a smart health connected bracelet capable of measuring the number of calories ingested precisely. Accuracy? So far, internet users have been rather skeptical on this point, and now the manufacturer has just released on its blog a study on the accuracy of the smart health connected bracelet: 30 volunteers took part in the game for 44 tests, over a period of 16 days.

The tests are promising

To measure the bracelet's error rate, it was simply necessary to compare the figures given by GoBe with those obtained by a blood Review. The first results are promising: the margin of error would only be 13.5%, which is already a very good start. Because the Healbe laboratory intends to further improve its measurement algorithm by delivery, which will arrive in August. Those who did not participate in the fundraising campaign on IndieGoGo will have to wait until October to be able to get it for $ 299.

Who is GoBe (apart from a smart health connected bracelet)?

Until now, nutrition specialists were a bit hungry (!!) with the smart health connected bracelets. Admittedly, Jawbone has updated its "nutrition" part in its application, but the fact remains that it is difficult to return with each meal what has been eaten. With GoBe, users should no longer have this problem: with the support of a laboratory, Healbe has developed this bracelet (which must be worn constantly) and which measures (fairly) reliable number of calories ingested.

In addition to that, it also gives the wearer's hydration level, calories burned, stress level or heart rate. Simply put, GoBe is a smart health connected bracelet that analyzes body data – a excellent compromise for those who want to pay attention to their line, or who are on a diet.

In addition to having a screen built into the bracelet (which also displays the time, and which is watertight), Healbe has developed an application iOS and Android. The connection between GoBe and the smartphone is via Bluetooth. autonomy announced is only 3 days, which is slightly less than the average of the 7 days observed among the competitors. Obviously, real time is a luxury …

Presentation ehealth of GoBe, the smart health connected bracelet:

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCiXUajPTog (/ embed)



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