Glance Clock – The multi-alert smart health connected clock

Glance Clock is a smart smart health connected clock that displays all the notifications you want to see on a daily basis. Whether it's alerts for meetings, monitoring your activity, the arrival of your uber, etc. This little clock will help you get better organized.

Glance Clock syncs with your phone, wearable, smarthome and many other smart devices. In short, it will display the reminders you want when you want.

Glance Clock connected clock

To do so, connect your calendar. By doing this, the smart health connected clock will display in color the different stages of your day. In addition to that, it will display traffic conditions or dates that are important to you; like birthdays for example. This little smart health smart health connected object is interesting because it will allow you not to spend your day looking at your phone. Even your text messages or calls will show up on the clock. Another feature that I find interesting is connectivity with Amazon Alexa. By asking Alexa a question, you can see the answer on the clock.

Glance Clock connected clock

Glance Clock connected clock

Obviously, all these notifications are configurable. You can also choose to display notifications of your favorite applications, the time you wake up, a list of things to do, graphs relating to your sports activity, etc. If you are a fan of 24 hour news channels, you will also be able to receive the latest news in real time. In short, you will understand, the whole is very complete!

Besides the features, I like the design of the product. Soft to the touch, this clock offers a smooth aluminum frame and a fabric dial. To display the notifications, it uses colored LEDs behind the clock face. Even if they are hidden when the clock is deactivated, as soon as a notification appears, the LEDs light up.

If this product interests you, go on IndiGogo. The product is available for pre-order from 99 dollars.

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