Get moving with your family with the iBitz activity tracker


Need a helping hand to get your child moving? iBitz, a small smart health smart health connected object that hangs everywhere, has the arguments to convince your toddlers to put on sneakers.

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"Eat five fruits and vegetables a day”,“Eat, move" to be in good health. With these slogans repeated all day long and cartoons, we thought that our children had understood the message. Especially as playing, running, kicking a ball, riding a bike are children's favorite pastimes that are full of energy. Despite everything, children are in overweight. For help these children to better and to move more, the Geopalz company released two pedometers for the whole family (we have to set an example, then everyone is into sport!).

iBitz and shoe

IBitz Powerkey was specially designed for children. Rich and Sheri Schmelzer and Alexandra O’Leary invented little characters, the Geobotz, that the child must keep in good health. (They were already noticed when they created Jibbitz, accessories for Crocs).

How? 'Or' What ? Thanks to his physical activity and his diet. The more the child moves, the better their Geobotz. This application also allows you to count through the Bluetooth, the number of steps taken in a day by your offspring and the track on your smartphone or tablet which will have to be iOS compatible.

The model iBitz Unity is for parents' use. They can set goals to achieve with family or friends. A fitness app is also available (would the mother not be directly targeted by this program ?!).

This small colorful case (9 different colors available) attaches to your belt or shoes (watch out for the football match) and off you go for a Geobotz in great shape. Be careful not to soda or sweets galore, the child could see his little protege turn around!

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 AB Smart Health


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