GeoSmart® Lunar Rover Set 30 Pieces Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid

Discount School Supply
46.92 USD Buy Now

in stock,Discount School Supply-School Supplies, Arts & Crafts,STEM & Curriculum|Manipulatives,Blocks,Games|Magnetic Tiles & Builders,SmartMax®

Use the 5 different geometric shapes and the wheels to build your Lunar Rover and drive off! Includes 9 squares, 8 triangles, 2 trapezoids, 4 diamonds, 1 rectangle, 4 wheels & 2 wheel boxes. Featuring bright colors, strong pieces and a patented double-safety system, GeoSmart® offers unsurpassed safety and durability for endless creative play!

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GeoSmart® Lunar Rover Set 30 Pieces Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
GeoSmart® Lunar Rover Set 30 Pieces Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
46.92 USD


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