General Electric wants to connect our refrigerator to the smarthome

General Electric wants to connect our existing refrigerator to our smarthome. To be precise, GE Appliance will produce 20,000 Wi-Fi modules to allow its customers to connect their old refrigerators to their smarthome in the blink of an eye and in a very simple way.

General Electric, through the voice of Brett Worthington, its vice president and general manager, announced that this would be possible thanks to the Wink software but also a hardware update. GE customers who purchased a refrigerator after 2009 will potentially be able to connect these small modules to the RJ45 ports on their refrigerators to connect them to the rest of their health home automation system.

general electric appliance connect

Indeed, on the most recent devices of the brand, it is not uncommon to find an RJ45 port. The module that GE will offer will not be compatible with all of the GE Appliance refrigerator models that have been produced since 2009. In addition, initially, only 20,000 users will be able to participate in this pilot program launched by the brand. GE will obviously be interested in their experience and feedback.

It remains to be seen how customers will react and especially how other competing brands will react. Anyway, the idea is excellent.



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