Fruits & Vegetables Combo Felt Set Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid

Discount School Supply
20.78 USD Buy Now

in stock,Discount School Supply-School Supplies, Arts & Crafts,STEM & Curriculum|STEM|Science,Little Folk Visuals

Realistic fruit and vegetable felt pieces are perfect for color and shape recognition as well as introducing healthy foods and nutrition concepts. Set of 34 includes: 16 vegetables and 18 fruits.

PreK-K Core Standards
  • SCI (P) Understand and practice healthy and safe habits.
  • L.K.5a. Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.

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Fruits & Vegetables Combo Felt Set Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
Fruits & Vegetables Combo Felt Set Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
20.78 USD
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