Free online courses on big data, blockchain, databases, IT security and much more.


Those who want to know more about the Big Data or Blockchain trends can take part in these free online courses. We present some providers.

We have already put together free online courses on artificial intelligence. Now we would like to introduce you to an eLearning Institute that offers so-called MOOCs on many different topics from the field of computer science. openhpi is the Hasso Plattner Institute's eLearning platform, which is used by the Charité Berlin and the World Health Organization (WHO), among others, for its own further training measures.

openPHI offers online courses with different focus: some of the courses introduce the basics of computer science and digital technologies. Are explained e.g. the functioning of the Internet and the WWW, the setting up of databases or the security techniques in information technology. Other courses are aimed more at specialists who want to familiarize themselves with current innovations in computer science, such as In-memory data management, the semantic web or multicore and cloud computing. Workshops for learning programming languages ​​such as Java or Python are also offered. The course languages ​​are German and English.

How do the online courses work?

MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses – are one of the most innovative forms of learning: Learners can freely access didactically prepared multimedia course materials via the Internet and learn in close exchange with other course participants using social media. Participants acquire knowledge through learning videos, interactive self-tests, tutorials, practical exercises and homework on the Internet. openHPI courses enable a virtual learning community with lively discussion forums and virtual learning groups that promote exchange and collaborative learning. The online courses are available to all participants free of charge and are not tied to any admission requirements. Many educational videos are also available on YouTube.

Big Data Analytics in Healthcare from Udacity

In the course “Big Data Analytics in Healthcare” from Udacity learn that data science plays an important role in many industries. Given the large amount of heterogeneous data, scalable machine learning and data mining algorithms and systems are becoming extremely important for data scientists. The growth in volume, complexity and speed of data requires scalable algorithms and systems for data analysis. In this course, you will investigate such algorithms and systems in the context of healthcare applications.

Udacity offers a wide range of free online courses as well as paid nanodegree programs in various disciplines such as programming, data science, artificial intelligence, blockchain and virtual reality, to name just a few. The online courses are very extensive and include interactive content, industry experts, real projects, a large learning community and even career guidance. There are several free courses on Deep & Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Big data, blockchain, cybersecurity online courses from edX

Founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012 EDX an online learning destination and MOOC provider that offers high quality courses from the world's best universities and institutions to learners everywhere. With more than 130 global partners, edX counts the world's leading universities, non-profit organizations and institutions among its members.

You can take free online courses from the best universities and institutions in the world – Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, Microsoft, Tsinghua University, The Smithsonian etc. in the fields of Deep & Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis etc.




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