Do you simulate fasting and Slow Aging with FMD diet ?

Despite its name, the FMD diet or intermittent fasting diet is not strict. For this reason, we offer you for 5 days a month to focus more on the quality of micronutrients and macronutrients than on calories.

Are you one of those people who stop eating or who fast for the purpose of losing weight? Today, we’re going to talk to you about the Fast Mimicking Diet (FMD) or intermittent fasting diet. This is a diet that simulates fasting, but continues to provide your body with plenty of nutrients.

You surely know the negative effects of these practices for your organism. When you deprive your body of nutrients, it will replace the lack of energy in the form of fat.

You will find that the secret to this diet is knowing which foods you need to eliminate completely. On the other hand, you will also learn how to give your body what it needs to stay healthy.

Interested in this topic ? So take note of all these tips!


Where does the FMD diet come from?

The FMD, or simulated fast diet, was created by the director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, Dr. Valter Longo. This doctor is a serious critic of traditional diets that rely on cutting calories for weight loss.

For this purpose, the FMD diet was created to mimic the effects of fasting without restricting food in such a drastic way. The goal is to limit energy intake by consuming less protein, fewer carbohydrates, and more “good” fats.

The FMD diet helps reduce body fat, slow aging, and improve pancreatic cell health.

What if there is a silver bullet to stop aging? This is the premise of Professor Valter Longo, who ensures that he can live a hundred-year-old without any problem with the Fasting-Mimicking Diet (FMD), a diet that mimics the effects of fasting.

If you are not exactly what you eat, there is still a lot of truth to the saying, since it refers to the fact that your diet directly affects your health. The number of studies that prove this has exploded in recent years, with the effects on the body of animal products, the correlation between meat and cardiovascular disease, and that between dairy products at the top of the list. and osteoporosis.

If food can make us sick or keep us healthy, then it affects our lifespan. In his book The Longevity Regime (published by Actes Sud), Valter Longo, professor at the University of Gerontology of Southern California and specializing in research into the cellular and genetic mechanisms of aging, puts forward his strategy for living as long as possible … And even to extend his life expectancy by 30 years, just that.

After thirty years of research on the links between nutrition, aging and disease, he is at the origin of the Fasting-Mimicking Diet (FMD), a diet to be performed three to four times a year. The principle is the same as a fast, with the advantages without the disadvantages (hunger, lack of energy, difficulty falling asleep …). This diet would rejuvenate the cells and allow them to “last” longer. FMD is more easily achieved since it consists of a five-day fast during which only soups, cereal bars and tea are ingested, which allow the organs to regenerate and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or cancer.

How does the FMD diet work?

The FMD diet is based on reducing food only for 5 days. The rest of the month you can eat a little of everything, but in moderation. The 5 days are organized as follows:

Day 1: You only need to consume 1100 calories throughout the day.
From the 2nd to the 5th day: you should consume only 800 calories per day.

The FMD diet places more emphasis on the quality of micro-nutrients and macro-nutrients than on calories. This is just a benchmark for better quantifying and controlling food.

In general, the FMD diet consists of the following:

  • 34% carbohydrates
  • 10% high quality protein
  • 56% fat for the first day and 44% for the other four days

For the rest of the year, Valter Longo provides advice on what to eat. First of all, reduce your consumption of animal proteins. According to him, it should not exceed 0.7 g of protein per kilo per day, or a maximum of 42 g of animal protein for a woman weighing 60 kilos (meat, cold cuts, cheese and eggs included), to make room for a large part of vegetables on his plate such as vegetables, legumes, cereals, dried fruits and olive oil. We put aside bread, pasta, rice and fruit juices, rich in fast sugars that increase diabetes and fat storage. Finally, forget everything you know about the meals of the day. Now we only have 2, a breakfast and a lunch or a dinner according to your preferences, as long as the two meals are not separated by more than 12 hours during the day.

What are the effects of the FMD diet?

Below we are going to give you some of the effects that have been proven in people who have followed an FMD diet. You will find they are really interesting!

One study has shown that simulating fasting delays the growth of cancerous tumors and disease progression. People who took part in this study followed this FMD diet for more than three weeks. At the end of this regimen, these people made more progress than expected in their chemotherapy.

If you are undergoing cancer treatment, before starting the FMD diet, you should take into account your doctor’s recommendations. In general, this diet should not be a problem, but it is important that your doctor knows all the information to understand your progress.

The FMD diet reduces symptoms of multiple sclerosis

The simulated fasting diet has been shown to have beneficial effects against the symptoms of multiple sclerosis after three cycles, or three months. This effect is also reflected with the reduction in inflammation, corticosteroid levels and with cytokine levels.

It is important to remember that multiple sclerosis is not a disease that can yet be completely cured. However, it is possible to prevent its progression.

By following this simulated fasting diet on an ongoing basis, you are promoting the complete regeneration of your body.
Habits that rob you of energy

Is your health bad? Are you taking more and more drugs? Do you feel like you are running out of energy all the time? Do you often see the doctor without noticing any improvement?

In this case, you should know that this diet will help you improve the health of your whole body in general. Among the effects that have been proven with the FMD diet, we can mention the following:

  • Greater resistance to stress and its effects on the body due to the nutrients in this diet.
  • Decrease in the size of certain organs that are inflamed.
  • Cells in the body can regenerate themselves and create new, better ones.
  • Bone density will be less affected by the passage of time.
  • Reduced risk of developing cancer and fighting cancer that is already there.
  • Marked improvement in cognitive skills.
  • Better control of serum glucose levels if you have diabetes and less problems if you are currently affected by these conditions.
  • Reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

What do you think ? Do you dare to start this FMD intermittent fasting diet? Give yourself the opportunity to try it for at least a few weeks and improve the health of your body.

ProLon gives you reset in just 5 days by providing the benefits of fasting without having to skip a meal! 

Adopt complete and balanced diets

In the search for an ideal weight and a better quality of life, thousands of people try to maintain a good diet, according to the needs of their body.

Everything is based on a good, varied and balanced diet. Also, if possible, you should stick to the meal times the body gets used to to avoid snacking.

Following these tips would awaken the body’s sleeping ability to regenerate, heal itself, and rejuvenate. We feel healthier, we fall ill less often, we reach our healthy weight, and we live longer.


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