FishBit connects your aquarium – The health home Automation Blog

FishBit is an app and smart health connected device for monitoring and controlling the composition of your aquarium water.

FishBit will revolutionize your aquariums. Imagine if your aquarium was able to notify you from anywhere in the world when its pH abnormally hangs, the temperature is out of whack, or even that its water needs to be changed. Beyond that, imagine if it were possible to have all the answers to your questions about your aquarium directly on your smartphone.

FishBit aquarium

Well, that’s what the Beta version of the monitoring offers, which measures pH, salinity and water temperature and also monitors other equipment like lighting and pumps. To control it, two solutions: the mobile application, as I told you, but also your good old computer.

FishBit aquarium

FishBit aquarium

The project is currently being funded on Kickstarter. For 299 dollars, you can receive your FishBit Beta. To make it work, download the application, enter your WiFi identification information and place the monitoring in your aquarium. The water analysis will then start. Then, you will need to connect your equipment to the controller and set up the automations via the application.

The first BETA FishBit should be shipped in June 2015. Watch it on ehealth:



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