Tagg is the solution for those who are afraid of losing their pet and who want to know where they are and how they are going at any time of the day.
Tagg is a GPS device that attaches to your dog's collar. he allows you to define a safety zone around your health home and instantly receive SMS and e-mail alerts when your pet leaves this zone. Use the power of GPS to find out if your animals are moving away and find them quickly. This GPS tracker also monitors their activity and fitness by measuring their activity every day.
In addition to receiving alerts when your pet leaves the Tagg Zone, you will also receive alerts when he runs a risk due to too hot or too cold temperature or when it is time to recharge the battery of your tracker and finally a reminder to remember to put it back on its collar when the charge is complete.
If your pet escapes from your health home, you can use your mobile or computer to locate it and receive updates about its location. This GPS tracker will even tell you which way it is going to find it quickly and easily.
Regarding the health of your pet, as I told you, it is also his fitness monitoring and whether your pet is doing enough activity. You can also set goals for it to keep it in top shape. Watch Tagg on ehealth:
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgbpwMtwfB8 (/ embed)