Farmer’s Market Color Sorting Set Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid

Discount School Supply
43.21 USD Buy Now

in stock,Discount School Supply-School Supplies, Arts & Crafts,STEM & Curriculum|STEM|Mathematics,Learning Resources®

Explore colors, counting and more with vibrant fruits and veggies!

  • Use this fruitful set to sort by color as well as for dramatic play and identification
  • Count each piece and the amount of pieces of each color to brush up on early math skills
  • Practice verbal exchanges and expressive language skills by requesting certain food items or colors
  • Aligned with Core Standards for Counting & Cardinality, Measurement & Data and Operations & Algebraic thinking
  • Set includes 5 baskets with 25 food items and activity guide
  • Pieces made of safe plastic
  • Baskets measure 4″H x 5-1/2″Dia.

PreK-K Core Standards
  • MAT (P) Classify and sort objects by attributes.
  • K.MD.B.3. Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.

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Farmer’s Market Color Sorting Set Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
Farmer’s Market Color Sorting Set Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
43.21 USD
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