Everspring SA413 Review – Z-Wave + USB key

Presentation of the Everspring SA413:

Today we are testing the USB key Everspring SA413, it is a controller Z-Wave More that will allow health home automation boxes (Jeedom, Domoticz etc.) to communicate with peripherals Z-Wave and Z-Wave + (868Mhz).

The technical characteristics leave us dreaming with a range up to 100 m in free field (outdoors and without obstacles) and 30 m max. about indoors (can vary depending on obstacles). Note that with technology Z-Wave, each piece of equipment can act as a relay and thus significantly increase the scope of your installation the cThis is called a mesh network.

The footprint is relatively small, the size of a standard USB key which is perfect when plugged into our Raspberry Ft.


We will now prepare the necessary items to use it on our Jeedom health home automation box.

Very simply, we go to the Jeedom market and then download the "Z-Wave" plugin which, by the way, is free.

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In the "Local daemon" section, select the port that corresponds to your Everspring SA413 key then save. In our example the key is called “ttyACM0”.

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Then we go to the installation of dependencies and we start the service. Once the service has started we now have the ability to integrate Z-Wave modules into our Jeedom.

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For inclusion, it's always that easy with Jeedom. We click on “Inclusion mode” and we do the same with its Z-wave module, in a few seconds it appears in the equipment.

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For 25 € it is a good investment, we get the ability to pilot our equipment in Z-wave for a minimal price.

The handling is fast, the range is more than correct and the response time is very good. We combine everything with our Raspberry Pi and here is a good start in health home automation for a very affordable price. See you soon for new tests.

Z-Wave + Everspring SA413 USB stick


everspring sa413 dongle usb z wave - Test Everspring SA413 - USB stick Z-Wave +


  • Price
  • Ease of installation
  • Ease of use
  • Compact size


  • Compaticle only Z-Wave


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