Er Chen Wan cough with profuse white phlegm

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: cough with profuse white phlegm; distension and tightness of the chest; nausea and vomiting; palpitations and dizziness; Meniere's syndrome.

In Chinese energy, this preparation transforms and dries out phlegm and Moisture. It regulates the Energy of the average health home.

Associated symptoms : swollen tongue with a thick white coating.


As this preparation is found in different forms and at different concentrations, it is very important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.


This preparation is the basis for treating all health problems associated with an increase in body fluids, an accumulation of moisture and phlegm in the body. Excess ambient humidity, an infection, the Spleen in a vacuum state, will cause the stagnation of humidity and the formation of phlegm.

The two organs most affected by Humidity are the Lungs and the Spleen: cough, nausea and vomiting. If the phlegm disturbs the upper body, it will cause palpitations, dizziness and tinnitus.

The two plants mentioned in the name of the formula are Ban Xia and Chen Pi. They are among the plants that improve over time. Prolonged use of this formula can cause drying of internal fluids: thirst and dry throat.


This preparation is cited in the volume Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang, compiled by the Imperial Medical Department of Tai Ping, between 1078 and 1085 AD.


  • Void of Yin, Dryness, lack of Body fluids: dry cough, dry mouth and nose, dry throat, dry stool, dry tongue, little saliva.


Name in pine yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Ban Xia

Rhizoma pinelliae ternattae (Rhizomes of Pinellia ternatta)

Dissolves phlegm, drains moisture.

Chen Pi

Pericarpium citri reticulatae (tangerine bark)

Circulates Energy, tones the Spleen.

Fu Ling

Sclerotium poriae cocos (filamentous fungus)

Eliminates Moisture, tones the Spleen, diuretic.

Zhi Gan Cao

Radix glycyrrhizae uralensis (licorice root roasted in honey)

Harmonizes the action of other plants, tones the Spleen.

Some preparations add :

Sheng Jiang

Rhizoma zingiberis officinalis (dried ginger)

Harmonize the average health home, stop nausea and vomiting.

Wu Mei

Fructus pruni mume (plum Mume)

Stop coughing, stop diarrhea.

On the shelves

The products of the following companies meet the good manufacturing practices of theAustralian Therapeutic Goods Administration, which are currently regarded as the highest standards in the world for the evaluation of the manufacturing processes of products from the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Available in Chinese herbalists, several natural health product stores as well as distributors of acupuncture equipment and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  • Er Chen Wan. Mark : Minshan, manufactured by Lanzhou Foci Herb Factory, Lanzhou, China.

  • Erchenwan. Mark : Tanglong, manufactured by Gansu Medicines & Health Products I / E Corp, Lanzhou, China.

Although it does not meet the manufacturing standards of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, the following product has been tested showing that it does not contain pesticides, contaminants or synthetic drugs.

  • Erh Chen Wan. Manufactured by Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works, Lanzhou, China.

Health Canada has assigned a Drug Identification Number (DIN) to the following product, which certifies that it is free of contaminants, that it does not contain synthetic drugs, and that the Traditional Chinese Pharmacopoeia recognizes its effectiveness for the uses described here.

  • Erh Chen Wan Pills. Manufactured by Classical Remedia Ltd., Toronto, Canada. DIN 02230948

Research and writing: Arlette Rouleau, Ac., OAQ and Pierre Lefrançois


Bensky Dan and Barolet Randall, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Formulas & Strategies, Seattle, Eastland Press, 1990.
Fratkin Jake Paul, Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines, Shya Publications, Boulder, July 2001.
Brother Marie-Victorin. Laurentian flora, Montreal, Les Presses com l'Université com Montréal, 1964.
Married Eric. Large Chinese Pharmacopoeia form, Editions Paracelse, 1990.
Naeser Margaret A. Outline Guide to Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines in Pill Form, Boston, Boston Chinese Medicine, 1993.

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