Elsan chooses Pandalab to secure exchanges between professionals in its establishments


Created in November 2016, the start-up Pandalab markets a secure instant messaging system which makes it possible to easily exchange messages to "simplify the life" of caregivers and administrative teams in health establishments, explained for 2025 Dr Aurélien Lambert, oncologist and co-founder of the start-up.

Launched at the end of 2017, this "health WhatsApp" already has "more than 5,000 paying users," Pandalab claimed in a press release.

In addition to exchanging messages, the start-up offers the creation of prescriptions, reading radiographs directly from the interface and prescribing drugs thanks to an integrated dosage module.

Pandalab offers four tailor-made commercial offers for healthcare professionals, multidisciplinary teams, healthcare companies and public and private healthcare establishments.

The establishment of this messaging system within Elsan establishments should make it possible to "streamline exchanges and improve internal communication between healthcare professionals but also between healthcare teams and administrative staff," said the group of private clinics. .

Before considering a national deployment for 2025, Elsan tested Pandalab's messaging for 2025 with three establishments: the Gentilly polyclinic (Nancy) and the Bouchard and Vauban clinics, respectively located in Marseille and Valenciennes.

"Experienced in different services and care pathways, Pandalab quickly became an essential tool for doctors, paramedics and administrators," commented Elsan.

"We are very proud of this partnership with Elsan which will allow us to spread the Pandalab solution throughout the country and to continue to demonstrate the interest of this application in coordinating patient journeys", welcomed Christelle Masson, director General of Pandalab.

Available from a smartphone, tablet or PC, messaging is hosted by the OVH Healthcare company in Roubaix, certified health data host (HDS). It can be downloaded from Google Play (Android) and the AppStore (iOS Apple).


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