Elsan and Pharmagest join forces to accelerate the deployment of Pandalab Pro


Elsan announced on January 30, 2020 the signing of a partnership with the company Pandalab, publisher of secure instant messaging intended for healthcare professionals, Pandalab Pro, in order to offer this solution to its caregivers, in its establishments, recalls. we.

The partnership announced on April 19 with the Pharmagest group should also enable it to “develop relations and communication” between its establishments and health professionals in the city.

Created in November 2016, the start-up Pandalab publishes and markets Pandalab Pro, which makes it possible to easily exchange messages to “simplify the life” of caregivers and administrative teams in health establishments.

Launched at the end of 2017, this “health WhatsApp” concretely offers secure exchanges of messages between health professionals, the creation of prescriptions, the reading of X-rays directly from the interface and the prescription of drugs thanks to to an integrated dosage module.

Since April 2020, the Pharmagest group has held 56.27% of the share capital of Pandalab. Through their partnership, “Elsan takes a stake in the start-up as a minority shareholder alongside the founders and the Pharmagest group, a reference shareholder whose majority shareholder position remains unchanged”, announced the two groups.

“This strategic partnership enables Pandalab to accelerate its deployment in France by equipping Elsan establishments with its Pandalab Pro solution and reinforces the ambition of the ESMS solutions division, led by Malta Informatique, a subsidiary of the Pharmagest group, to Pandalab Pro the essential tool at the service of communication between all health professionals, whether they are in cities, in medico-social establishments or in hospitals in France and in Europe. “

“We are very proud to strengthen our shareholder base with the entry of Elsan alongside the Pharmagest group. We will thus be able to accelerate the deployment of Pandalab Pro in France and continue to demonstrate the value of this application in the coordination of patient journeys. “, welcomed Christelle Masson, CEO of Pandalab, quoted in the press release released on April 19.

The secure instant messaging Pandalab Pro, “favored by the health crisis”, is already used “in half of Elsan establishments” where “nearly 750,000 messages” have been exchanged “in less than a year”.

“Our investment in Pandalab will make it possible to accelerate its deployment to develop communication between professionals in the city and in the hospital in the service of better coordination for our 2 million patients each year”, declared Simon Levy general manager Elsan strategy and development delegate.

Available from a smartphone, tablet or PC, messaging is hosted by Roubaix OVH Healthcare, a certified health data host (HDS). It can be downloaded from Google Play (Android) and the AppStore (iOS Apple).


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