Droplet – The Smart Reminder

Droplet is a smart little button that lets you remember to do what you have to do. Wireless, it can be attached to anything you don't want to forget.

Droplet will, for example, remind you to take medicine, feed the fish, take out the trash, etc. Just press it to indicate that you have done the job you need to do. The smart health connected button will then record, via its dedicated application, that you have done so and therefore keeps track of your activities and your goals.


The Droplet app, available on iOS and Android, also lets you track and see what you're doing. You'll be able to explore your daily and monthly trends and share your progress with others. So you can set up reminders and decide how and when you want to be called. You will be able to track your progress with your progress score. Thanks to its Smart Hub you can use one or more Droplet at health home. Besides, you can also share them with your friends or family and send the right reminders to the right people.




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