Dojo protects your smarthome from hacking

Dojo is a small smart health smart health connected object that will allow you to protect your smarthome from any hacking. You probably have several smart objects that protect your health home. But who protects these devices?

Dojo smarthome hacking

Dojo Labs presented this little gadget to alert us when someone tries to access your smart health connected devices … to hack your smarthome. “We close all of our doors before we leave health home. Yet we leave the door wide open to access our smart health connected objects. "Said Dojo-Labs CEO Yossi Atias. “Our homes contain our most intimate data. But we are only interested in this after the fact. "

As expected, the number of smart health connected devices in our homes will be 6 billion next year. All of these devices are unfortunately vulnerable to cyber threats. Whether it's our smart health connected lock or just the baby Wi-Fi monitoring. Therefore, Dojo scans your installation for attacks or unauthorized access to your smart devices.

Thanks to its smartphone application, you can receive alerts. These alerts will ask you if you want to grant someone access to your door. If this is not the case, you can refuse and thwart an attempt to hack your system. "Dojo knows when the TV is recording your voice, even if it's turned off. It also knows when data is uploaded to the cloud. Said Yossi Atias.

Dojo smarthome hacking

Dojo smarthome hacking

The Dojo consists of a dock that plugs into your router and a pebble-shaped device. If it detects problems, it will start to shine. At the heart of the system: Dojo Intelligence. She will get to know your devices and find patterns in their behavior. Thanks to this intelligence, he then sets up a perimeter that protects your health home.

If you are interested in this product, know that it is available on Amazon Launchpad for pre-order for $ 99 with 12 months of subscription. It will go on sale in March for $ 199. See how it works:

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