Digital health roadmap: a first assessment


At the end of December, the Agence du Numérique en Santé (formerly Asip Santé) published an initial assessment of the work in progress on the digital component of the Ma Santé 2022 plan. Discovery.

On April 25, the Minister of Solidarity and Health, Agnès Buzyn, accompanied by Cédric O, Secretary of State for Digital Affairs and all the players in e-health presented the digital health roadmap. Since then, work on the five major directions of the digital health policy as part of the My Health 2022 strategy has progressed well.

A first assessment of the actions carried out was presented at the end of December to take stock of the digital health roadmap and its 5 main directions.

The 1st orientation is the one that has the most advanced and which concerns the strengthening of digital health governance. In accordance with the commitments made, a certain number of actions have been carried out:

  • Creation of the Ministerial Delegation for Digital Health (DNS), which steers the roadmap for digital health, coordinates the players, arbitrates on technical doctrine, oversees the implementation of the roadmap at national and regional level . DNS led by Dominique Pon, Ministerial responsible for digital health and Laura Létourneau, Ministerial delegate for digital health
  • Transformation of ASIP Santé into a digital health agency (ANS) and appointment of Dr Jacques Lucas as its head
  • Launch of the Digital Health Council with 4 working groups led by ecosystem experts: Digital health training, Digital divide & e-health, Evaluation of the benefits of e-health, Economic development in France and abroad international of French companies (in connection with the work of the Sector Strategic Committee
  • Creation of the Digital Health Ethics Unit, led by ecosystem experts
  • Coordination of the “Digital Doctrine for Health in France” with a target urbanization scheme and the associated trade-offs (positioning of the DMP in relation to the ENS and coordination tools, urbanization of telehealth, prohibition of centralization INS for redistribution by regional platforms…)

Source: Digital Health Agency


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