Digital 6 – Your virtual personal assistant

Digital 6 is a virtual personal assistant (VPA) designed by Skyvine. D6 is not only designed to learn who you are and what you do, but also to help you in everyday life.

Digital 6 is a VPA that will take care of everything for you: find information that interests you, improve your social life and support you throughout your days. By remembering your preferences, D6 will improve its suggestions. He will offer you restaurants, press articles, etc.

Digital 6 virtual personal assistant

With its exclusive patented technology, this smart health smart health connected object can claim to be more efficient than other virtual personal assistants. It has a multi-functional, which makes all the difference. He will in particular be able to recognize your friends, your family and even offer to meet new people.

When you are not wearing D6, put it on its base to recharge it and transform it into a monitoring device for your health home. He will be able to know who is coming health home and alert you in the event of an unusual situation. Thanks to the app, you will even be able to see what's happening at health home in real time. A good alternative if you do not want to invest in a complete and often expensive health home automation system. Digital 6 becomes your second pair of eyes!

Digital 6 virtual personal assistant

Digital 6 virtual personal assistant Digital 6 virtual personal assistantWhen you leave your accommodation, take D6 and fix it on you. Before leaving, it will alert you if you forget something; your keys for example. If you can't find them, he will be able to tell you where they are… a huge time saver!

What worries me about this product is that once you try it you may not be able to do without it. If you want one, go to Indiegogo. You can pre-order it from 199 dollars.

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