Definition | Quinolone – Fluoroquinolone

Quinolones – or fluoroquinolones – are antibiotics obtained by chemical synthesis. The process of the latter is based on the synthesis from chloroquine, 7-chloroquinoline with a strong bactericidal power. As early as 1962, the first quinolone developed wasacid nalidixic, indicated for the treatment of certain infections of the urinary tract. Since then, other derivatives have been synthesized. These antibiotics have an antibacterial effect on Escherichia coli, Proteus and Enterobacter especially. They therefore make it possible to treat many genital, urinary, gastrointestinal and osteo-articular infections.

How do quinolones work?

Quinolones act on theDNA bacterial. They block the synthesis of bacterial DNA, selectively inhibiting the action of two enzymes, DNA-gyrase and topoisomerase IV.

Contraindications or precautions?

Quinolones can cause side effects, particularly neurosensory: dizziness and dizziness. In addition, theabsorption of these antibiotics can trigger sometimes severe phototoxic reactions in case of even moderate exposure to Sun, up to the appearance of posttraumatic bubbles. In case of pains, burns or tingling, the patient should quickly consult his doctor. Last major side effect: tendonitis of the ankle and, more serious still, ruptures of the Achilles tendon occur in some patients. In some rare cases, the shoulder and fingers can also be affected. Careful monitoring of patients on treatment is therefore essential. Finally, these antibiotics are contraindicated in pregnant women and children.


  • Catholic University of Louvain, Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy of anti-infectives, May 25, 2011
  • INRS, Photosensitization, cancers skin and occupational exposure to ultraviolet, 2004, accessed May 26, 2011
  • Association for assistance to victims of accidents of medicines (AAAM), May 26, 2011

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