Definition | Mortar | Futura House

Mortar is a mixture of sand, water and a binder, which can be lime where the cement. You can also find polymers in the composition of certain mortars.

This pasty mixture is used in particular to bond building materials together. Its proportions are different from those of concrete and it doesn't have gravel.

In general, the mortar should be produced with littlewater : generally 20 kg of mixture for approximately 4 L of water. However, it is important to check the information provided by the manufacturer. It is then applied in a uniform layer (or with grooves). The surface should not be moistened duringapplication.

What are the different types of mortar?

Mortars can be laid, coated, glued or even poured.

Cement mortar

The purpose of cement mortar is to cover, to give roughness and to correct defects. It is the most common type of mortar. It is used in construction to build or smooth walls.

Glue mortar

The adhesive mortar is a mortar produced with cement and polymers which give it adhesion. It is used to glue tiles, siding or floor tile.

Grouting mortar

Grouting mortar fills the gaps between each piece of paving stone, brick or stone. It can be prepared with a ready-to-use mixture, to which a little water must be added. He can be pigmented and gives an aesthetic finish to your outdoor floors. For joints, you can make your mortar without sand.

Water repellent mortar

The mortar water repellent is water resistant making it the ideal ally for wet spaces. Thus, it is used in bathrooms or outdoors to make pool joints in particular.

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