Craniosynostosis is the welding premature cranial sutures in children which can hinder the development of brain. At birth, the brain cavity of the baby is separated into several pieces by the fontanelles, to allow its growth. For reasons that are still unknown, the bones sometimes bond prematurely, in some cases even before birth, preventing the evolution of the cranial perimeter. This results in a microcephaly (brain too small) or a deformation of the head parallel to the sutures concerned:
- scaphocephaly (head extended from front to back);
- hydrocephalus (head extended upwards);
- plagiocephaly (head asymmetric);
- trigoncephaly (triangular head);
- oxycephaly (pointed head);
- brachycephaly (short, enlarged head).
Some forms of craniosynostiasis, however, have a cause genetic, as the syndrome d'Apert, the most serious, or the syndromes of Crouzon, Pfeiffer and Saethre-Chotzen. Craniosynostosis can be accompanied by facial dysmorphies (exorbitism of the eyeballs or deformations maxilla). Unsupported, it causes mental retardation and symptoms neurological related to compression of the brain (hypertension intracranial): headache, vision or hearing impairment, vomiting.

Diagnosis and treatment of craniosynostosis
Craniosynostosis is suspected when there is an absence of growth of the brain cavity. A x-ray allows to observe the sutures of the skull and one to scan gives information about the state of the brain. Craniosynostiasis at risk should be operated as soon as possible, ideally between 3 and 12 months, to avoid worsening of symptoms. The surgical operation consists in cutting the welded edges then in reshaping the bones of the skull in order to correct the malformations. This treatment generally gives excellent results both from a functional and morphological point of view.
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