Covid-19 CTI League: 400 experts come together to fight cyber attacks


An international group of 400 cybersecurity experts has been formed, covering 40 countries, to combat the growing cyberattacks, sometimes to the detriment of healthcare facilities.

A league that will be well seen. Since the start of the pandemic and the containment of the population, forcing the reorganization of businesses around teleworking or weakening sensitive public infrastructures, cyberattacks have multiplied. According to Reuters, an international group of nearly 400 cybersecurity specialists formed on a voluntary basis on Wednesday, March 25, in an attempt to stem them.

“I have never seen such a volume of phishing”

Called Covid-19 CTI League, this collective covers more than 40 nations and includes professionals likely occupying positions of responsibility in major companies, such as Microsoft and Amazon. Marc Rogers, one of the founders of the collective and vice-president of the security company Okta, explained that “The absolute priority is to fight against piracy of medical establishments and other institutions located on the front line in the face of the pandemic”.

The collective explains that it has already started working on hacks from various health organizations, but without specifying which ones for the sake of confidentiality. The group has already dismantled a campaign that used a software vulnerability to spread malware. Marc Rogers explained to the agency Reuters do not have “Never seen such a volume of phishing”, having been able to consult messages of this type “In all languages ​​known to man”.

No truce in cyberbullying

Phishing remains the most common cyberattack, enticing recipients to enter passwords or other sensitive information on fake or attacker-controlled websites. The risk is then to lose control of his social network identifiers and email boxes, or more serious, of his bank account.

From the first days of confinement, Cybermalveillance.gouv published a collection of good advice for teleworking in security, and had already observed a contextualization of attacks surfing on keywords like Covid or coronavirus. More dramatic, the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) said it suffered a computer attack on its network on Sunday March 22. The risk is then to lose control over it, at an already critical time for the reasons we know.

In another vein, we recently mentioned the creation of several initiatives in France (GSCN, HackLaCrise …), offering their expertise and help to citizens in the field of IT, there too on a voluntary basis.


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