Counter Linky: ANFR proves once again that it is safe for health

Linky and its CPL remote transmission system are in no way dangerous for health: this is in essence the conclusion of a new ANFR report. The authority relies on nearly 200 measurements carried out free of charge in private homes at their request. All the measured values ​​were far below the legal thresholds. We are also learning more about data collection.

Counter Linky: ANFR proves once again that it is safe for health

New measures from the ANFR conclude at very low emission levels when the Linky meter transmits data by line carrier current (PLC). The ANFR had in fact carried out a measurement campaign as part of the national system for monitoring public exposure to electromagnetic waves. Measurements carried out free of charge at the request of individuals, by independent laboratories approved by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC). These laboratories themselves had to comply with precise ANFR specifications.

Linky: the electric meter poses no danger to health according to new measures

"178 places were the subject of measurements in the band 9 kHz – 100 kHz between June 2018, date of the opening of the device to this type of measurement, and December 2018 ″, in addition to the amount of volts per meter, details the authority. And to add that "All the measurements concerned a Linky meter and took place indoors and mainly in urban areas". The ANFR explains that "Maximum peak field levels of 3.5 V / m and 0.17 μT have been measured, ie values ​​25 times and 37 times respectively below the regulatory limit values ​​of 87 V / m and 6.25 μT".

In almost half of the cases, "No Linky PLC emissions were detected despite an average measurement time of one hour in these cases". We learn in passing more about the frequency of these teletransmissions. Thus, the consultation interval of the counters depends on the number of counters in the same "cluster". These clusters contain an average of one hundred Linky counters each. Enedis polls a counter for each cluster every 30 seconds.

This means that, on average, meters generally only use the CPL very briefly, once an hour. Some metered meters also had an additional device for transmitting live data. But these devices are based on another more conventional radio technology – and the ANFR does not seem to have detected any danger there again. The ANFR measurements were largely carried out 20 cm from the meters, except when the requester expressed the wish for a measurement at another point, or when technical constraints did not allow it.

Read also: Linky – justice orders the withdrawal of 13 meters for medical reasons

Since their installation has become compulsory, Linky meters regularly challenge the chronicle. His recipients accuse him of inflating their electric bill, disturbing electro-sensitive people or even posing a health hazard. A few cases of fire outbreaks have also been identified, but they are generally linked to a faulty installation of the meter. The conclusions of the ANFR describe in any case once again a rather harmless meter, at least from a health point of view.


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