Cortex SmartHub – Router and health home automation hub at the same time

Cortex SmartHub is a router that can also be used as a health home automation router. The wifi router is under exploited in the health home, the inventors of this product have therefore decided to give it the place it deserves.

Cortex SmartHub Home automation hub router

Cortex SmartHub plugs directly into a wall outlet. So it's easy to plug in, unplug, and install somewhere else in the house, if you need a better signal or if you are refurbishing your interior. Another advantage, plugged directly into an outlet, it is constantly charged and its lithium-ion backup battery will take over in the event of a power outage.

In addition to the classic router part, you can also use this Hub to store files, locally using a storage option, or via an optional cloud solution. Of course, increasing the storage capacity will also increase the capacity and the possibility of using all your devices in streaming.

Cortex SmartHub Home automation hub router

Cortex SmartHub Home automation hub router

Now let's go to the health home automation part. I find that the idea is ideal and practical because it allows not to add a device to either; we are really starting to have a lot. Controlled via the SmartHub app, you will be able to control all the smart devices in your health home, including lights, locks, thermostats, fire alarms, and much more. The SmartHub is the nerve center of your entire health home. According to research, 85% of potential buyers would choose a Cortex SmartHub rather than a standard wireless router.

If you are also interested in this product, you can find it directly on the IndieGogo crowdfunding site. On the site, you will be able to discover all of its features but also pre-order it. Prices for this small health home automation product start from £ 80. Finally, don't forget to discover this hub on ehealth. Look :

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