Could people with lock-in syndrome soon be able to communicate through their eyes using technology? In any case, this is the project on which researchers from UC San Diego, in the United States are working.
EyeHome may represent great hope for individuals with Locked-in Syndrome, also known under the name of confinement syndrome. This system, which UC San Diego researchers are currently working on, uses eye tracking to communicate. The EyeHome prototype would aim to make navigation on a smartphone-type interface possible, simply by fixing different parts of the screen. Users would look somewhere to dictate a message, or another to find on social networks. Other elements could include specialized e-book readers, or instruments that can be played with the eyes.
Communicate with a glance
The confinement syndrome, as the name suggests, isolates people with this rare disease. They are aware of what is going on around them, but unable to speak or move, apart from the eyelids and sometimes the eyes. The most common causes of Locked-in syndrome are vascular or traumatic. EyeHome could therefore allow them to communicate with those around them. The project is still young, and has only really started since a scientist challenged his students to invent solutions. The research team in charge of the project at UC San Diego, recently received $ 300,000 in funding to allow it to materialize. Prototypes already exist, which represents a real hope for people with this disease.