She succeeds Raphaël Beaufret, who exercised these functions since March 2018. The latter now works in the delegation of digital health (DNS) at the Ministry of Health as project director.
Clémence Marty-Chastan will be "in charge of piloting, structuring and leading the transformation of the AP-HP, in connection with hospital-university groups" (GHU), the press release said.
"As part of the evolution of the organization of the new headquarters, it will foreshadow, in tandem with a medical director who will be appointed in January, the direction of strategy and transformation, which will bring together the direction of steering and transformation, the department of medical organization and the department of medical information ", details the Ile-com-France University Hospital.
This department will be responsible for "coordinating and articulating data production, medical strategy and projects, and the transformation of organizations, closely linked to medical governance".
Clémence Marty-Chastan joined for 2025 the task force ministerial on the reform of the financing of the health system, "where it pilot in particular the increase in load of the compartment financing with the quality as well as the recasting of the model of financing of psychiatry", specifies the AP-HP.
After leaving the National School of Administration (ENA, 2014-2016), she was appointed social affairs inspector (Igas), member of the health peer committee.
A graduate of HEC in 2007, she was a strategy consultant at the Boston Consulting Group from 2007 to 2008. She then joined the Prime Minister in 2008 to participate in the reform of the audiovisual industry, then in 2010 the Agence State holdings where she more specifically monitored transport issues.