Chunky Puzzle Pets – 9 Pieces Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid

Discount School Supply
8.97 USD Buy Now

in stock,Discount School Supply-School Supplies, Arts & Crafts,STEM & Curriculum|STEM|Early Cognitive & Fine Motor,Melissa & Doug ®

Sturdy wood construction puzzle features easy-grasp, chunky pieces with colorful graphics. The chunky wooden pieces slide easily into their recessed spots, or stand them upright for pretend play. Encourages hand-eye, fine-motor and creative expression skills.

Extension Activities: More Ways to Play and Learn:
*Ask the child to line up the pieces, and count them aloud together.
*Ask the child to identify all the colors on the pieces. Then discuss different ways to sort the pets by their colors and patterns. For instance, you could select all the pets with spots.
*Place the pieces around the room, then have the child walk around on a pet hunt. Each time the child finds a pet, ask him/her to call out the name and return it to the puzzle board.
*With all the pieces on the puzzle board, ask the child questions to make up a simple story about the pet.

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Chunky Puzzle Pets – 9 Pieces Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
Chunky Puzzle Pets – 9 Pieces Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
8.97 USD
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