Chinese herbs for febrile illness — Chinese food and Chinese herbs

Herbs for febrile illness

Herbs for febrile illness

Job’s tears

Scientific name: Semen Coicis

Chinese name: Yi Yi Ren 薏苡仁

Plant parts used: the sun dried seeds used without preparation or grilled

This herb has influences on the human body: meridians of Spleen, Stomach, Lung (and Gros intestine by certain items).

Flavor: sweet and tasteless

Nature: slightly cold

Health Effects :

– Promotes the elimination of water and humidity, process BI syndrome (joint pain)

– Removes heat

– Drains the pus

– Tones the spleen

– Lung abscess

– Bowel abscess

– Stop diarrhea

– Edema, dysuria

– Rheumatic pains cold wind, curvature of the four members

– Febrile syndrome of moisture in the early stages

– Diffuse pains due to wind-humidity

– Moisture diarrhea Spleen

– Tonic occurs in elderly and weak, especially with stiffness of the limbs.

Against, precautions: no

Modern pharmacological actions:

– Action antipyretic;

– Action analgesic;

– Action cardiotonic;

– Inhibition of the contraction of striated muscle;

– Improved immune function;

– Action cancer in mice with extended lifetime.


Scientific name: Radix Seu Arnebia Lithospermi

Chinese name: Zi Cao 紫草

Parts of the plant used: roots dried in the sun, well moistened and sliced

This herb has influences on the human body: the meridians of the heart and liver

Flavor: sweet

Nature: Cold

Health Effects :

– Febrile diseases

– Refreshes the blood and activates blood

– Promotes the release of rash

– Eliminate toxin and treat skin inflammations

– Encourage the urine and humidify the Intestine

– Prevention of measles: + GAN CAO (licorice), decoction, 3 times / day, every 2 days.

CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS: Measles and with recent heavy eruptions


– Inhibition of the growth of choriocarcinoma (= malignancy at the fetal portion of the placenta) and sarcoma (= tumor connective tissue);

– Therapeutic in acute lymphocytic leukemia;

– Actions promoting wound healing in rats


Scientific name: Herba Menthae

Chinese name: Bo He 薄荷

Parts of the plant used: aerial part and leaves, dried in the shade, moist, cut into pieces.

BO HE YE: Wind disperse the heat of BIAO;

HE BO GENG: regularize IQ and soothe the liver.

This herb has influences on the human body: meridians of the liver and lungs.

Taste: Spicy

Nature: fresh

Health Effects :

– Disperses heat

– Clarify the head and eyes (TOU QING MU), promote the throat (LI YAN ROU)

– Promotes breakouts and stop the itching

– Colds, sore throat (fever, slight fear of cold, headache, body pain, anhidrosis) or red and painful eyes, swollen and painful throat

– The beginning of an eruptive disease (especially measles, rubella, urticaria)

– In case of dizziness and fever due to extreme heat

Herbs for  febrile illness source:

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