Chinese herbs for burn treatment

Chinese herbs for burn treatment

Follow are some useful Chinese herbs for burn treatment.


Scientific name: Radix Seu Arnebiae Lithospermi

French Name: Gromwell

Chinese name: Zi Cao 紫草

Parts of the plant used: roots dried in the sun, well moistened and sliced

This herb has influence on the human body meridians of the heart and liver

Flavor: sweet

Nature: Cold

Health effects:

– Eliminate toxin and treat skin inflammations

– Refreshes the blood and activates blood

– Promotes the release of rash

– Febrile diseases

– Prevention of measles: + GAN CAO (licorice), decoction, 3 times / day, every 2 days.

– Anthrax, skin inflammations and ulcers with swelling, eczema, dermatitis, vulvar and genital itching, burning by fire and water:.


– Therapeutic in acute lymphocytic leukemia;

– Actions promoting wound healing in rats

CONTRAINDICATIONS, PRECAUTIONS: Measles and with recent heavy eruptions


Scientific RhubarbeNom: Radix and rhizoma rhei

Chinese name: Da Huang 大黄

Parts of the plant used: roots, rhizomes scraped, cut lengthwise and crosswise, dried warming shelter or used without preparation or treated to wine and cooked in a water bath, carried by the black mesh.

This Chinese herb has influences on the human body meridians Stomach, Large Intestine, Liver and Heart Envelope.

Taste: bitter.

Nature: Cold

Health Effects:

-Rafraîchir Blood, Fire purge and eliminate toxin (XUE LIANG JIE XIE HUO DU), stop the blood (ZHI XUE): with or without constipation, DA HUANG can be used to bring down the Heat and Fire ;

– Activate Blood and dispel stasis or resolve the blood and regulate the rules

– Heat fullness of the stomach and intestines; febrile diseases with constipation

– Heat fullness obstructed in the stomach and intestines with abdominal pain and constipation, sometimes high fever, impaired consciousness, delirium.

– Dysentery and abdominal pain due to moisture-heat

– Acute intestinal obstruction, parasitic intestinal obstruction, paralytic intestinal obstruction

initial stage of acute suppurative inflammatory lesions of the back with constipation

Appendicitis with acute pain

Mycotic vaginitis and cervical erosion: externally.

– Blood stagnation (amenorrhea)

– Damp-heat jaundice

– Viral hepatitis, jaundice hémolyptique newborn

– Burns, superficial inflammation, boil, abscess

– wounds

– Abdominal pain with stasis of blood, abdominal masses and tumors (JI ZHENG JIA JU), traumatic injuries, postpartum lochia non-flowing, Blood accumulation of stagnant syndrome

Against, precautions:

– Weakening of the Stomach (risk of anorexia, nausea);

– IQ of Deficiency and Blood in the absence of accumulation or stagnation signs;

– IQ impairment with abscess or after discharge pus;

– Rules, pregnancy, childbirth in the absence of blood stasis;

– Breastfeeding (risk of diarrhea in infants by entry of the active ingredients in milk.)


Pourpier- Scientific name: Herba Portulacae

Chinese name: Ma Chi Xian 马齿苋 “horse teeth”

Plant parts used: the fresh plant is put in a water bath light or dipped in boiling water and then dried in the sun.

This Chinese herb has influences on the human body: meridians of the large intestine and liver

Flavour: acid

Nature: Cold

Health effects:

– Refresh the Blood and stop the blood 凉血 止血.

– Diarrhea and dysentery (Humidity Chaleur): fever, abdominal pain, blood and pus in the stool, tenesmus:

– Only high dosage, decoction for internal use.

– Only juice of the fresh plant in drink.

– Prevention of bacillary dysentery:

– Juice made with honey.

– Boil, abscess, pyogenic skin inflammation (heat toxin)

– Only in decoction for internal use.

– Juice drink.

– Fresh produce crushed externally.

– Leucorrhea (Heat Humidity): used only juice beverage or decoction.

– Menorrhagia, bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage

– hemorrhoids

– Eczema: decoction for washing or soak compresses.

– Acute urinary infections.

– Pertussis: 60 g decoction, to take 3 times a day.

– Intoxication with seafood



– Tonic action on the uterus fresh juice which contains potassium salts.

– Bacteriostatic action on the colon bacillus, bacillus dysentery, and typhoid.

Chinese herbs for burn 

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