ChefSteps Launches smart health connected Culinary Assistant

Joule is a strange smart health connected culinary assistant imagined by the company ChefSteps. With it, you will no longer have the right to miss the cooking of your favorite dishes.

Joule ChefSteps

Joule has a fairly original story. Gabe Newell, founder of Valve, invested in ChefSteps to bring the product to life. The legendary game developer also seems to enjoy good food.

Joule ChefSteps

Joule ChefSteps

Personally, I spent a long time watching videos and surfing the brand's website to understand what this new smart health smart health connected object was for. In the end, it's quite simple. Rather than using the buttons on your cooktop to heat and cook food, you will be able to use Joule. Via its mobile application, you can define and control the temperature. You can also use presets designed to cook all types of food. For example, you can therefore perfectly manage the cooking of meats. If you like rare meat, and your partner likes it cooked, just follow the settings, information and help provided by the application. This material is small but powerful. Inside: an 1100W heating system. This product seems ideal for cooking under vacuum.

If you are interested or intrigued by this product, you can pre-order it now for $ 199. From January 15th it will cost you 299 dollars. For this price you can also access the cooking instruction services by ChefSteps.

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