Chaotic Moon invents the smart health connected tattoo of the future


smart health connected objects such as bracelets or smart watches are more and more used and more and more sophisticated. Products such as the Jawbone UP3 make it possible to collect a lot of physiological data from a simple little bracelet. But it could be that soon we could do without this type of objects, information would be harvested from the skin, via smart health connected tattoos, Tech Tats.

There are already fleas that can contain various information and that slides under the skin. Not yet used for humans or only for experimental purposes, they find their utility with animals. As part of the monitoring to study their movement in the wild, for example or to identify our four-legged companions. Researchers at the digital technology design studio, Chaotic Moon, want to tap the smart health connected tattoo. Called Tech Tats, these temporary tattoos would record in real time different vital signs such as heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure or blood glucose.

tech tats

Tech Tats: live medical monitoring through a smart health connected tattoo

Chaotic Moon Studios is a start-up founded in 2010 and based in Austin, Texas, USA. This company invented a temporary tattoo that, once placed on the skin of a person, can collect a lot of information physiological and send them in a dedicated application on a smartphone.

The Tech Tat, that's how the inventors of this tattoo that seems straight out of a sci-fi movie baptized their concept, is composed of sensors smart health connected to an electroconductive paint. The design of these technological tattoos looks like a small circuit board. They can even be embellished with small LEDs for style. With this smart health connected tattoo, which is now only at the prototype stage, the American start-up targets primarily the medical field.

According to the employees of Chaotic Moon, Tech Tats would have a good place in hospitals for example, to monitoring patients, instead of different machines that are cumbersome and sometimes noisy. They could also be used to quickly establish a check-up from health home, without having to move. It would be enough to put it on his arm for example and all information would be directly sent to his doctor. In case of anomaly, he would call his patient.

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Other possible applications

If the Tech Tats could advantageously replace the fitness trackers and other smart health connected thermometers such as Withings, for example, they could be exploited in other areas such as contactless payment, among others. One can very well imagine adjusting his shopping at the supermarket by approaching his tattooed wrist terminal payment.

These tattoos 2.0 could also be used to track the movements of his child or in a military setting, providing real-time monitoring of the physical and psychological conditions of soldiers on the ground.

source: Chaotic Moon


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