Certificate of derogatory travel: the indication of the time of departure becomes mandatory


Because of the new measures taken by the government to fight against the epidemic of coronavirus, it will now be necessary to indicate the time of exit on its certificate of derogatory displacement. Download the new document.

Certificate of Derogatory Displacement

Certificate of Derogatory Displacement

Certificate of Displacement Official derogatory for the period of confinement due to the epidemic of Covid-19

  • Downloads: 110850
  • Release date : 03/24/2023
  • Author : Ministry of the Interior – French Government
  • Licence : Free license
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    Online service All Internet browsers

Almost a week after the start of confinement in France, new measures have been taken to combat the spread of Covid-19. A state of health emergency has been declared and the Prime Minister has announced new traffic restrictions. Outdoor markets closed, outing limited to 1 km around your health home, and no more than once a day.

These measures complement those initiated last week, which already greatly limited authorized trips. If a certain latitude has been offered to local authorities, it is a safe bet that mayors, prefects and other institutions will not take the risk of straying too far from the recommendations made by the government.

The indication of the exit time now required

And who says new measures also says new controls. The derogatory travel certificate must now indicate the departure time for each. It was the head of government himself who said this during his television intervention, “It will take [from now on] date and give the timetable of the paper that you should carry with you when you go out ”. Decree n ° 2023-293 of March 23, 2023 which fixes these constraints, indicates that the displacements must be "brief, within one hour".


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