Cerner stops selling its Millenium computerized patient record in France


"Cerner management made the strategic decision to stop selling the Cerner Millennium * (computerized patient record) and HealtheIntent * (population responsibility platform) solutions to new customers in the French, Spanish and Portuguese markets," said Cerner in a February 10 written response to APMnews.

"Only these three markets are affected by this decision," said the editor.

The sale of Millenium is stopped as the German publisher Compugroup Medical announced on February 5 an agreement to take over part of Cerner's activities in Germany and Spain, including its solutions for hospital information systems (HIS).

It "does not constitute a withdrawal of Cerner from these markets", underlined the company.

Cerner "will continue to collaborate and support its customers, maintaining a local presence" in France and Spain, she said. The publisher has premises in the La Défense district, in the Hauts-com-Seine, we note.

Asked for more details, particularly on the continuation of its relations with its client establishments, Cerner declined to comment.

In an email sent to an IT manager of an establishment using Millenium and of which APMnews has obtained a copy, the general manager of Cerner France, Harold Juillet, indicated that the company "will continue to support" its customers "at the same time as we we want to assess the potential of a mutually beneficial long-term partnership. "

The Cerner DPI is used by 11 French healthcare establishments, can we read on the publisher's website, in particular the GHT of Artois (North), the CHU of Tours, the CH of Valenciennes and the CHU of Nantes, we say.
In its master plan for the information system (SDSI), the Loire-Atlantique regional hospital group planned to make Millenium its single DPI in 2026.

At the end of December 2024, the Network of hospital buyers (Resah) notified a new contract on the "supply, deployment and maintenance" of DPI in GHTs to seven software publishers including Cerner, it is noted.


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