At present, there are many activity trackers that measure our physical state and monitor our health, such as those equipped with heart rate monitor ...
Connected smart objects are now a reality and will continue to grow, to the point of revolutionizing our daily lives and our way of approaching our ...
Microsoft is not only interested in cannabis, but mosquitoes as well. The American computer company has partnered with a community in Texas (southern ...
Sleep well. It is a necessity of everyday life. If we spend a restless night, our partner snores or has difficulty falling asleep, the following day ...
If connected objects are now part of our daily lives, and allow the considerable improvement of our social, economic, or cultural life in a practical ...
Virtual reality Everyone has this word in mouth, a technology that is still recent and is currently developing, many companies are already marketing ...
Heavy eyelids, the desire to sleep ... We have all experienced drowsiness driving. But what many people do not know is that this is a very dangerous ...
Technological advances for health have limits only our imagination. Connected smart health revolutions are now an integral part of our daily lives. ...
Diabetes is an often unknown disease. Field doctors, poorly prepared sometimes find it difficult to detect. Yet around the world, 415 million people ...
Science and technology have no limit, and it gives bluffing results. An infertile mouse gave birth to healthy little ones following the implantation ...
The quality of sleep is an important factor to guarantee the good health of people. What is harmful is that the measures taken by these objects are ...
Only mute people are rare. In general, we are talking about deaf-mutes. Muteism or aphasia is indeed a much more particular case from a medical point ...
Some people suffer from dyslexia. This disorder appears in the child when learning to read and basic knowledge. Recognized as a disability by the WHO ...
IT and connected smart beauty have never done so well. Soon your bathroom and your entire home will be transformed into a real personalized wellness ...