With the coronavirus epidemic crossing borders, many people think that protecting their mouth and nose with a surgical mask is a good way of ...
Very sensitive, the clitoris can take you far when it is tamed. For this, it should be handled gently.The clitoris is often thought of as ...
The hypothalamus is an area of the brain that interacts closely with the pituitary gland. © Mayo The hypothalamus is ...
Everyone has droppings. But why are they there? What are they for ? Find out how droppings are formed." The droppings of nose are secretions ...
It is called Yaravirus and intrigues scientists: this virus infecting amoebas does not have any of the usual characteristics of already known ...
Several theories attempt to explain why most women prefer men to the beardless torso. One of the hypotheses is that the absence of hair limits the ...
Without being able to establish a strict cause and effect link, an observational study nevertheless highlighted a potential association between the ...
Researchers have just identified hundreds of phages, these bacteria-eating viruses, with a gigantic genome almost as large as that of the hosts they ...
With the Millennial generation, the Internet is now an integral part of the daily life of many French people. But, at the time of Instagram, Facebook ...
Perceived as " bug Of our brain, forgetting is necessary for our good mental health. Let us dwell on the mechanisms of forgetting and its ...
In this new episode of "Naturally yours", nutritionist Arnaud Cocaul shares his opinion on the goal of taking 10,000 steps daily. Is it ...
Replacing damaged vessels by creating a "human textile" from collagen is the challenge launched by a team of Inserm researchers. This ...
Difficult to escape the media frenzy and the psychosis created by the Covid-19 epidemic. It carries its procession of false news and fanciful or ...
Mediterranean food gives many virtues to those who adopt it. Part of these benefits could be due to its action on the intestinal microbiota, ...
The progress of surgery is extraordinary. A musician undergoes surgery for a brain tumor and in order to keep all her faculties, the medical team ...
The virus responsible for the Covid-19 epidemic has just infected a first person in Egypt. If the country's infrastructures have made it possible ...
What's worse than finding hair in your food? Eat with hair that grows in your mouth! This is what a young Italian woman suffers from, suffering ...
A woman who became sterile following treatment for breast cancer was able to give birth to her first child thanks to an oocyte frozen several years ...
After defeating cancer, a 34-year-old French woman gives birth to a baby from her own frozen oocytes. A world first that we detail in this ...