This publication by GVG Verlag bundles opinions, framework conditions and practical examples around the topic of digital health. 47 authors from science, industry and politics have their say in 36 articles.
In terms of content, the "Care 2030 – eHealth, mHealth, Telemedicine" series covers the entire spectrum such as eHealth law, data protection, health apps, telemedical health care and much more. from. The authors include Prof. Dr. Roland Trill from the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Arno Elmer from the FOM University and Prof. Dr. Paul Schmücker from Mannheim University of Applied Sciences.
Selected practical examples and experience gained convey the advantages and illustrate the potential of eHealth applications. But data protection experts also have their say and show possible risks and restrictions. the The publisher – the Society for Insurance Science and Design e.V. (GVG), which has already organized the eHealth Conference 2014 in Hamburg – succeeds in initiating an open discourse.
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