The online consultation saves time and money. Most patients see it that way and can well imagine this treatment option.
Ever longer waiting times for an appointment with a specialist and long ways to the next doctor in the country: The online consultation is a solution to the problems of an aging society and the growing shortage of doctors. Almost 30 percent of Germans can imagine this service. After all, 5 percent have ever attended a ehealth consultation. This was the result of a representative survey on behalf of the digital association Bitkom among 1,005 people aged 16 and over.
The biggest advantages of online consultation for the respondents:
- easier access to distant (specialist) doctors (64%)
- Waiting time in practice is eliminated (53%)
- There is no risk of infection in the waiting room (43%)
- Travel time to practice not applicable (34%)
- can stay at health home in the event of illness (33%)
- no travel costs to the doctor (17%)
- no advantages recognizable (13%)
Health insurance companies cover ehealth consultation hours
The health insurance companies have covered the costs of an online consultation since April 2017. In May 2018, the German Medical Association paved the way for patients to be able to be treated via ehealth consultation without a personal visit to the doctor – if this is medically justifiable and the necessary medical care is maintained. At the online consultation, the doctor and patient communicate via a certified ehealth consultation provider who ensures a safe technical process. In addition to an internet connection, a webcam, speakers and a microphone are required – i.e. technical equipment that is already included as standard in tablets and smartphones.
The basis of the information is a representative survey that Bitkom Research commissioned by the digital association Bitkom performed. 1,005 people aged 16 and over were interviewed, including 826 Internet users. The question was: "Imagine you could go to an online consultation with a doctor. What would be the three most important advantages of online consultation for you personally? "