The BionicGym electronic equipment, designed and manufactured in Ireland, can be used in a variety of ways. It will be especially beneficial to those who want to slim their thighs without growing muscle or who have injuries or other health difficulties. The BionicGym’s exhilarating effect can even help to alleviate despair and anxiety, which may surprise you.Discover this Bionic gym reviews .
People claim that using the device at high intensities helps them feel energetic. Runners, of course, benefit from the BionicGym because it may be used for rehabilitation. As a result, we propose that you use this electric muscle stimulation gadget to strengthen your legs.
What you will learn
What is BionicGym?
The BionicGym electronic equipment, designed and manufactured in Ireland, can be used in a variety of ways. It will be especially beneficial to those who want to slim their thighs without growing muscle or who have injuries or other health difficulties. The BionicGym’s exhilarating effect can even help to alleviate despair and anxiety, which may surprise you.
People claim that using the device at high intensities helps them feel energetic. Runners, of course, benefit from the BionicGym because it may be used for rehabilitation. As a result, BionicGym propose that you use this electric muscle stimulation gadget to strengthen your legs.
Dr. Louis Crowe, an Irish medical doctor who has become one of the world’s leading experts in the field of neuromuscular stimulation, invented this wonderful device. He has undertaken numerous investigations on this topic in Europe in collaboration with a number of universities and medical technology businesses. It’s worth noting that the European Space Agency was also a part in his research.
How BionicGym works?
BionicGym is a “App and a Wrap” that allows you to get a good workout while watching TV or burn calories while working.
The wraps are wrapped around your thighs, and impulses contract the muscles in your legs. It’s all controlled from your phone.
When you exercise at a high intensity, your heart rate rises, you sweat, and you become out of breath. You might even get a runner’s high. This is the world’s only technology capable of doing so – it’s truly groundbreaking.
In truth, the concept was inspired by the biology of the human body. Our bodies begin to shiver when it becomes cold. Do you have any idea why? The shivering reflex is a protective mechanism that allows us to survive in extreme cold. This occurs because shivering involves a vast number of muscle groups, according to Ira Jacobs of the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine in Canada. As a result, the person’s metabolic rate increases 4 to 5 times, allowing him or her to get warmer.
Exercise Programs
In just 6 weeks, clinical trials demonstrate an increase in VO2max (a lab test for aerobic fitness).
Feel revitalized and revitalized. You can even obtain a runner’s high at high intensities.
Weight Loss
Even while working, you can burn calories. Diet + exercise = long-term weight loss. BionicGym can be used as a kind of exercise.
Take it easy on your joints.
There’s no need to pound the pavement.
Nature’s way of creating heat or burning calories is to shiver.
You shiver more intensely as you get colder, but at the same rate (7-8Hz). This is because energy consumption is determined by the shortening and lengthening of muscle fibers rather than the force or tension created.
Is BionicGym Effective? The Scientific studies
Dr. Louis, BionicGym’s creator, describes it from a medical standpoint.
When muscle fibers contract and relax at this “biologically unique” rate, more muscle fibers contract and relax. That’s where BionicGym’s “magic” comes into play. The motor-neurons (nerves-to-muscles) in the legs and gluteal muscles (bum) are stimulated by the BionicGym wraps, telling them to contract repeatedly. (Muscles relax or stretch on their own.)
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) – commonly known as EMS and TENS – is a technology that has been around for 60-70 years. This technology was assumed to be incapable of providing aerobic exercise. (Even the FDA didn’t think it was possible.) All of that has changed thanks to BionicGym.
They cry out for blood to deliver oxygen and energy by prompting enough muscles to actively contract at ideal rates. When this happens, your heart begins to beat faster and harder in order to deliver the blood.
As a result, BionicGym strengthens both your cardiovascular system and your muscles. You grow more out of breath and gradually warm up, sweating. Shivering is, after all, nature’s way of keeping you warm.
A pair of wraps, a control device, eight gel pads, a charger, extensions, and the iOS or Android app are included in the package. The wraps must be placed on each leg, and the electrodes must be attached to the control unit. The latter will send electrical stimulation currents, targeting the biggest muscles and so boosting your heart rate more than other technologies of this type can do. An app on your smartphone can be used to control the intensity of stimulation.
There are two versions of the BionicGym. The Standard BionicGym is designed to be used at a moderate intensity. It is advised for weight loss and revitalizing and is comparable to running.
For athletes and people looking for a more rigorous workout, the BionicGym Pro + HIIT was designed. This product includes a wider selection of fitness programs, including more intense ones, in addition to the standard workout programs supplied by the first option. You can use this gadget to perform High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a popular fitness approach that involves alternating short bursts of intense exercise with lower-intensity recovery intervals.
Bionic gym reviews
Bionic gym before and after got “Great” Based on 158 reviews on
Nancy Abell BionicGym review [Weight control for new mums]
After giving baby, Nancy Abell struggled to get back into shape. By strengthening her leg muscles and cardio while working at her desk, the BionicGym App and Wrap helped her break past a plateau.
She’s also shed more than 20 pounds. (Weight management Equals diet + exercise!)
BionicGym by Armand Giovannotto [weight loss, fitness]
After being in a vehicle accident, Armand used the BionicGym App and Wrap to get back into aerobic form. Because he’s shed nearly 40 pounds, he now has more energy and feels better in his body. (Weight loss Equals workout + nutrition!)
Simon Johnson’s review [Burning calories and getting slimmer]
Simon is a former marathon runner with a hectic schedule. He’s been using BionicGym to burn hundreds of calories per hour without putting too much strain on his joints. [Fat loss = exercise + nutrition]
Frank Flores review [High-intensity training, weight loss, and fitness progress]
Frank enjoys doing intense BionicGym workouts that can last up to two hours. The workouts increase his heart rate, strengthen his leg muscles, burn calories, and make him sweat profusely.
Matt-Smith Thomas [hard workout that causes a pleasant sweat]
Matt like the fact that he can use BionicGym muscle stimulation for more than two hours and burn over 1,000 calories. It causes him to overheat and sweat profusely. This was a wonderful type of exercise during the lockdown.
The User Lab Test
Set everything up
Overall, the Bionic Gym setup is straightforward. However, there is a procedure to take in order to get it to work effectively.
To begin, there is an app to download, like with other modern tech devices. This is a straightforward procedure. The Bionic Gym and its accessories, which include two leg applicators, four electrode gel pads, a control/power unit, and a connecting connection, must also be set up. The control unit’s charger is one-of-a-kind, magnetically attaching to the bottom of the unit. This makes it simple to use, and a helpful blue light indicates that it is charging.
After the control device has been charged, you can link it to the app using Bluetooth, which is simple. The control unit must then be placed in a pocket on the right leg applicator; the control unit fits into a small pocket on the side of the applicators. The same magnetic connection holds it in place as the charger.
To achieve the best connection to the muscles, make sure the gel electrodes are in the appropriate spot on your thighs before putting on the leg applicators.To ensure proper electrode alignment, put the electrodes to your thighs first, then wrap the leg applicators over your legs, making sure they cover the gel pads. This will ensure that they are placed correctly each time you put them on, making long-term use of the Bionic Gym much easier.
The vertical bar that connects the upper and lower straps is placed on the inside of the thigh to apply the applicators; this vertical bar is also where the control unit is placed. Connect the right applicator to the left applicator on the vertical bar using the connection cable, which is inserted into the jack on the control unit and then into another jack on the left applicator on the vertical bar. Once you’ve completed this, you’re ready to use the app to begin a fitness regimen.
The app has a number of exercise programs; once you’ve selected one and pushed start, the app sends the information to the control unit, which can take a few moments to process before the program begins. Once you’ve started the application, you may use the volume keys on your phone to enhance the intensity of the impulses.
Ease Of use
The Bionic Gym is quite straightforward to use and get along with once you’ve accomplished the basic set up. While it takes a few sessions to become used to using the Bionic Gym and determining the level of intensity that is right for you, it becomes second nature after that.
It is ideal to use the Bionic Gym while standing to obtain the best workout and boost your heart rate effectively, since this activates more muscle groups, resulting in an intensive workout. Moving from side to side or bending my legs up and down, as well as going onto my tip toes and back, increases the training intensity and yields even better benefits. Bionic Gym definitely makes you work up a sweat.
After a workout at Bionic Gym, you’ll notice that you’re breathing heavily.
The software is uncomplicated to use and navigate. There aren’t many bells and whistles, but that makes it easy to use and get a program up and running. Overall, it’s attractive and functional.
High-quality product
The overall build quality is satisfactory; the applicators appear to be well-made and durable. When worn, they are also soft and comfy. This provides the Bionic Gym a high-quality feel and the assurance that it will last a long time.
User Experience
Overall, I’ve had a positive experience with Bionic Gym; it takes a little getting accustomed to, but sticking with it pays off, and the workouts get better as you go. I discovered that placing the applicator straps as high on the thigh as possible improved the feel of the workout by helping to recruit the glutes as well as the hamstrings throughout a workout. The Bionic Gym has a lot of user information in the social media forums, and the inventor, Dr. Louis Crowe, makes a lot of facebook live feeds providing some great advice and tips on how to get the most out of it.
When I use the Bionic Gym, I know I’m getting a good exercise. The app’s high intensity levels, about 65-75, result in a strong muscle contraction and an intense workout.
Bionic Gym can be utilized for a variety of purposes, including rehab and maintaining cardiovascular health, as well as a business trip workout in your hotel room. When it comes to effective yet convenient workout, Bionic Gym is a revelation.