Biody Balance, the smart health connected slimming coach

Biody Balance is a product that allows you to control your physiognomy by offering an online body rebalancing service according to each person's specificities and objectives.

What is that ?

Biody balance is a smart health smart health connected object for keep an eye on your line ! You will discover a new slimming method smart health connected to your body. he measures body balance and not your weight. This technology offers recommendation service according to the physiognomy of each. smart health connected to the company’s website, he will recommend a body rebalancing by analyzing nutritional excess and imbalance.

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The product is a slimming coach which analyzes and assesses your physiological balance. There you alert in case of overweight or obesity, and will advise you. Indeed, there you give nutritional recommendations and physical activities to follow to rebalance your weight effectively and safely. You can access a history of measurements made over time. This allows to track your progress and preserve your well-being capital. The product is related to the company’s website. This is an online coaching service that will take stock of your physiological state. Several indicators are taken into account such as weight, percentage of muscle, fat, bone and water (water retention). It will analyze and explain to you the procedure for a specific rebalancing based on the person and their objective. This invention will advise you to select meals based on recommended portions. Dietary recommendations are based on the evolution of body rebalancing and the objectives set. Once reached, you will be able thanks to this stabilize your weight over time and it will influence your daily health and well-being.

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Biody Balance is available since February 28. This product cannot be purchased directly, it requires a subscription of 39 € per month. You can acquire it from the company's website:


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