BeVITAL, the wearable patch that will save lives


It is difficult to know how to predict if you are going to get sick, usually you only know after going to the doctor. Rest assured, a new wearable patch can predict the next heart attack before it happens. This is BeVITAL, designed by Vital Connect.

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Technology wearable is used more and more in various fields, especially for health solutions, and also for Zika. The society Vital Connect, who is best known for its solutions in healthcare, has just launched a new wearable patch on the American market to prevent in advance, a heart attack, BeVITAL.

BeVITAL, a most effective health solution

BeVITAL is a patch using wearable technology and secure data sharing and is a health solution that could prove to be most effective. It allows to monitoring heart rate, temperature, movement and respiration… Very useful for monitoring your heart.

Indeed, the patch is installed on the body, which allows to have a follow-up of his health. With BeVITAL, you can be warned in time if you are going to have heart discomfort: a real plus for patients who do not spend 24 hours with a cardiologist. This technology, like Fitbit wristbands, is very effective in monitoring your health and activity. It's time for smart health connected health.

Bevital the miracle patch

The most smart health connected patch

BeVITAL has a battery with an autonomy of four days, it is a real plus for this patch and for its user. Thanks to a Bluetooth connection, it can also transfer the vital signs data of the user to a smartphone, at any time.

In this way, you can be notified in the event of an alert and the data is then transmitted to the servers managed by BiPATIENT. BeVITAL also warns them in the event of an abnormal change in the patient's state of health.

A solution for hospitals

It is a very effective supplement for hospitals, which can monitoring their patients remotely. This will increase their efficiency and reduce costs.

Indeed, it sometimes costs too much for hospitals, which becomes problematic for treating patients effectively. BeVITAL is a real safety for "at risk" patients since it is possible to detect as soon as there is a problem, and therefore to prevent the next heart attack before it happens.

Most hospitals, which are already starting to be smart health connected, should soon acquire this technology. According to Quartz, BeVITAL has already been tested on around 100 patients in five hospitals in Europe.

beVITAL will help the surgeons

Vital Connect has found a real health solution to prevent heart attacks with BeVITAL. We must see what it will give in the United States to see a possible commercialization in Europe. This is not new, but it is still a solution that will quickly find its use.


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