Want to switch to intermittent fasting, but don’t know what to eat? Discover the best food for fasting to put on your plate.
Intermittent fasting, also known as “fasting”, involves fasting for 12 to 16 hours a day. But what are the best foods to consume during our food intake periods? We give you the answer. Before starting any diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor or a nutritionist.
What you will learn
The best food for fasting to consume
It is recommended to favor foods rich in fiber, during periods of food intake. Why ? Because they have the particularity of filling us up more than other foods. You can therefore consume fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains at will!
Foods rich in protein are also invited to our plates, such as meat or fish. And if you’re not a big fan, tofu and walnuts are also great.
Adopting intermittent fasting means rediscovering your body and how it works. It is therefore advisable to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Because yes, you might think you are hungry but in reality you are very thirsty.
Obviously, if that’s not enough, don’t deprive yourself. Only you know what your body needs on a daily basis.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Your needs may vary depending on your fitness goals and activity level.
Protein helps you lose weight by lowering energy intake, increasing satiety and boosting metabolism.
Also, when combined with strength training, increased protein intake helps build muscle. Having more muscle in the body naturally increases your metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat.
A recent study suggests that having more muscle in the legs may help reduce belly fat build-up in healthy men.
The list of intermittent fasting (IF) foods for protein includes:
- Poultry and fish
- Eggs
- Seafood
- Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese
- Seeds and nuts
- Beans and legumes
- Soy
- Whole grains
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates (carbs).
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. The other two are protein and fat. Carbohydrates come in many forms. The most notable of these are sugar, fiber and starch.
Carbohydrates often get a bad rap for causing weight gain. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal, and they are not fat by nature. How much weight you gain will depend on the type and amount of carbohydrate you eat.
Make sure you choose foods that are high in fiber and starch, but low in sugar.
A 2015 study suggests that eating 30 grams of fiber per day can lead to weight loss, improve blood sugar levels, and lower blood pressure.
Getting 30 grams of fiber from your diet is no big deal. You can get them by eating a simple egg sandwich, Mediterranean barley with chickpeas, peanut butter apples, and chicken and black pea enchiladas.
The list of intermittent fasting foods for carbohydrates includes:
- Apples
- Berries
- Red beans
- Pears
- Lawyer
- Carrots
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Almonds
- Chia seeds
- Chickpeas
According to the 2015-2023 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, fat should contribute 20% to 35% of your daily calories. In particular, saturated fat should not contribute more than 10% of daily calories.
Fats can be good, bad, or just intermediate depending on the type.
For example, trans fats increase inflammation, reduce levels of “good” cholesterol, and increase levels of “bad” cholesterol. They are found in fried foods and baked goods.
Saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease. However, expert opinions diverge on this. It is wise to eat them in moderation. Red meat, whole milk, coconut oil, and baked goods contain high amounts of saturated fat.
Healthy fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and lower blood fat levels.
Olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oils are rich sources of these fats.
The list of intermittent fasting foods for fats includes:
- Lawyers
- Nuts
- Cheese
- Whole eggs
- Dark chocolate
- Fatty fish
- Chia seeds
- Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
- Whole yogurt
A growing body of evidence shows that your gut health is key to your overall health. Your gut is home to billions of bacteria known as the microbiota.
These bacteria affect your gut health, digestion, and mental health. They can also play a crucial role in many chronic disorders.
So, you have to take care of those tiny bugs in your stomach, especially when you are on intermittent young.
The intermittent fast food list for a healthy gut includes:
- The vegetables
- Fermented vegetables
- Kefir
- Kimchi
- Kombucha
- Miso
- Sauerkraut
- Tempeh
Along with keeping your gut healthy, these foods can also help you lose weight by:
Decreased absorption of intestinal fat.
Increased excretion of fats ingested in the stool.
Reduce food intake.
According to the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, daily fluid requirements are:
About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men.
About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women.
Liquids include water and foods and drinks that contain water.
Staying hydrated during intermittent fasting is essential to your health. Dehydration can cause headaches, extreme fatigue, and dizziness. If you are already struggling with these side effects of fasting, dehydration can make them worse or even make them worse.
The intermittent fast food list for hydration includes:
- Water
- Sparkling water
- Coffee or black tea
- Watermelon
- Strawberries
- Cantaloupe
- Peaches
- Oranges
- Skimmed milk
- Salad
- Cucumber
- Celery
- Tomatoes
- Natural yogurt
Interestingly, taking plenty of water can also help with weight loss. A 2016 study indicates that proper hydration can help you lose weight by:
Decreased appetite or food intake.
Increased fat burning.
Intermittent fasting 4 p.m. what to eat
Eating during intermittent fasting, vegetables, fruits, lean proteins (fish, eggs, seafood ..) and healthy fats (avocados, hazelnuts, cheese ..) is more about being healthy than just lose weight quickly.
Intermittent fasting 4pm than eating Look at the top, but we’ll add Just watch your food volumes carefully – note the volumes, don’t bother counting the calories. Eat a lot of what you normally do – but try not to buy packaged foods that are just fresh and freshly prepared at home.
If you keep these points in mind:
Intermittent fasting 16/8 what to eat
- The proteins
- Always with “saturated” fat (eggs, butter, cheese meat fat, extra virgin olive oil for dressings and coconut oil for cooking).
- As little high extract vegetable oils (canola, etc.) as possible.
- Also have carbs like bread, rice, potatoes, but a slice (not two), a potato, etc.
- Use porridge if you like it (assuming you could make a midday to 6am quickly).
- Get most of your carbs from green leafy vegetables – spinach, cabbage, silver beets, broccoli, cauliflower (yes, they’re “green”). Eat as much as you can handle.
Ultimately, the intermittent youth is not a diet, it is a diet of life.
I also suggest you start slowly and maybe only do the fast every other day, doing it every day is pretty bad.
What to eat after a 4 p.m. fasting
If you want to lose weight, it would be good to eat foods high in fat, such as: salmon, nuts, chia seeds, MCT oil, coconut oil (cold pressed), olive oil (cold pressed) , flax seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, macadamia nuts, avocados, you can search for healthier options on Google.
-you can eat protein, from sources such as: spirulina, chlorella powder, shrimp, chicken breast, steak (I would only recommend once or twice a week maximum), turkey, so you can find more options healthy if you do a google search it depends on what you prefer, but I would recommend sticking to a maximum of 20-25 grams per day.
-I would say stick to a minimum amount of carbs, because if you want to lose weight, carbs will drive you out of ketosis.
-Like vegetables, I would recommend checking those with lower carbs per serving, so you don’t get kicked out of ketosis.
24h intermittent fasting what to eat
Whatever your reason for fasting, do you know the best thing to eat after fasting?
Here are my tips for the best way to break a fast:
- Drink water (especially if you haven’t done so for 24 hours, which is common for religious fasts).
- Eat a small meal full of nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables.
- Chew your food well. A minimum of 30 bites is suggested for each bite!
- Focus on foods that are easy to digest – try cooked vegetables rather than raw.
- Eat foods that your body has tolerated well before.
- Don’t think of your breakfast as “catching up” on lost calories. You don’t want to get sick from overeating!
So let’s dive deep into what happens to your body on a 24 hour fast, so that you understand the physiology behind it.
Believe it or not, you won’t shrivel or fade! Our bodies are smarter than they appear and have biochemical mechanisms to adapt.
Here’s a quick and dirty rundown …
Eight hours after your last meal, your body goes into a “fasting” state because it takes about the same time for your body to FULLY digest and absorb all the nutrients (depending on the content of your meal before the fast).
At this time, your body uses its stores of carbohydrate [glucose] for energy.
After a night of fasting, you will mainly deplete your liver glycogen stores. Research shows that after a 24-hour fast, without exercise, muscle glycogen stores are reduced by approximately 50%.
Once you’ve depleted your glucose stores, your body breaks down your fat stores for energy. But of note, your body doesn’t start using fat before your glucose stores are completely unloaded. This is why researchers suggest that “intermittent fasting” may speed up your fat burning mechanisms (that’s physiology!).
In a prolonged fast, your body will also begin to break down your muscles to use protein for energy.
What to eat during intermittent fasting
While fasting, you can drink tea (without sugar, and remember to do it the right way), coffee (as well as without sugar), and water.
What to eat during intermittent fasting to lose weight
Water (and it is recommended to drink plenty of water, at least 2.5 liters per day).
Gentlemen coffee.
Nescafe without sugar or milk.
Green or red tea without sugar.
Hot drinks like mint, anise, chamomile and cinnamon.
Fasting what to eat
All food and drink is allowed, but only in moderation fasting that eating in the evening.
Intermittent fasting what to eat in the evening
During the meal period, you can eat any regular meal without counting its calories, but it is better to eat the foods mentioned above which are low in calories.
Intermittent fasting menu
- The first meal (3 eggs with a loaf of baladi bread with a 250g cup of milk with a plate of green salad with 20 nuts).
- The second meal (a quarter of a chicken breast with a small plate of rice with a plate of medium green salad).
- The third meal (a piece of cottage cheese with a cup of rayeb milk and a plate of green salad).
An intermittent fasting program is based on the following amounts of calories, protein, and fat:
Calories 1500 calories.
Proteins: 165 g.
Fat 50: 55 grams.
Carbohydrates 70: 75 grams.
The foods to avoid
Processed foods
Refined grains
Trans fat
Sugary drinks
Processed meat
Alcoholic beverages
Intermittent fasting
_A quick overview of intermittent fasting and its types_
Intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular form of diet. It involves alternating cycles of “eating” and “fasting” periods.
Taking in all of your calories in a short period of time has been shown to provide a myriad of health benefits. These include healthy weight loss, better heart health, and healthy blood sugar. In addition, IF can also help improve mental health and reverse certain effects of aging.
Unlike many fad diets, intermittent fasting is backed by a strong body of scientific evidence. This makes it one of the most effective tools for healthy weight loss.
There are several ways to end the fast. Some of them are:
– 5: 2 FAST
This flexible method of fasting is popular among beginners. In this method, you can eat normally for five days a week. During the remaining 2 days, you should limit your daily calorie intake to around 500 calories.
Like the 5: 2 fast, this is another fasting method suitable for beginners. It’s easy to follow. Just avoid eating calories for 12 hours. Eat all of your calories in the next 12 hours. This completes a fasting cycle.
Once your body has adapted to fasting for 12 hours, you can progress to fasting for longer durations, such as the 16: 8 fast or the 20 hour fast.
It is probably the most studied form of IF. You could say that this is an extended version of the 12 hour fast. You are not allowed to eat for 16 hours a day and can eat normally within the 8 hour feeding window.
It is an extreme form of fasting. It has a long 20 hour fasting window and a short 4 hour meal window. The 20 hour fast is ideal for people who have spent a considerable amount of time doing 16 hour fasts.
Intermittent fasting than to eat
In the meal window, you can eat 2, 3 or more meals.
- Sweet potatoes
- Beet roots
- Quinoa
- Oats
- Brown rice
- Bananas
- Mangoes
- The vegetables
- Soy
You can drink water, coffee, and other calorie-free drinks while fasting, which can help reduce hunger pangs.
Plus all of the things mentioned above.
Doing this fasting method can actually be as easy as eating nothing after dinner and skipping breakfast.
For example, if you finish your last meal at 8 p.m. and don’t eat until noon the next day, you technically fast for 16 hours.
It is generally recommended that women fast only 2 to 3 p.m., as they seem to be more successful with slightly shorter fasts.
For people who are hungry in the morning and like to eat breakfast, it can be difficult to get used to this method at first. However, many breakfast skippers instinctively eat this way.
Intermittent fasting eat that in the evening
Eating Everything We Have Mentioned, Fasting Than Eating At Night It is very important to eat mostly healthy foods during your meal window. This method will not work if you eat a lot of junk food or an excessive number of calories.
Intermittent fasting coffee
If you are fasting intermittently, you can only drink calorie-free fluids during the fasting window.
Yes, you can drink regular black coffee during intermittent fasting. Most calorie-free drinks are safe to consume during intermittent fasting. But some dieticians don’t recommend diet drinks that contain artificial sweeteners.
Lemon juice during fasting
lemon juice while fasting is okay when you are not on a dry empty stomach.
Yes – they say, consuming 50 calories or less will not allow you to fast. Since lemon contains 20 calories … you can have it comfortably.
The acids in lemon juice have an atomic structure like the digestive fluids found in the stomach and are good for the means of processing food. However, in this case, the negatively charged ions in lemon entering your digestive tract cause an extra level of energy.
Another good thing is to take it at the start of your fast as lemon also contains pectin fiber which helps you feel full for a long time.
How to break intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is simply postponing breakfast. So, it is better to do it with liquids. Water for starters, then your choice of another beverage or a on-the-go smoothie / meal replacement. Not eating late or too heavy the night before makes this easier. It can cause you to wake up hungry, cranky, tired, and fuzzy, with back pain. Which then leads to thinking that you MUST eat the minute you wake up or you will become frail. Nope! These are called the side effects of overnight fasting.
If you want to prolong the benefits of intermittent fasting, start the day with warm to hot water and lemon. Helps to free the digestive system and eliminate toxic headaches. And if you are wondering what are the best times to eat, between 10 am-11am and 6 pm-7pm. Above all, do NOT go to bed feeling like a stranded whale. Take it away and drink it (with water).
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