Bellabeat pregnancy sensor – monitoring your pregnancy at health home

Bellabeat is a device that allows you to follow the progress of your pregnancy, organize your prenatal care and have an interactive experience with your child. Ladies, here’s a new way to approach your pregnancy.

Simple to use

You just need toapply the sensor on your belly and connect it to your Smart phone to be able to detect the presence of a new life. It is a portable echo graph that analyzes, via the application, the fetal heart rate. The information is then processed into an audible signal so that the user can listen to the heartbeat. This pregnancy sensor is smart health connected with a cable to your Smart phone and not by Bluetooth or radio system since you have to switch your phone to "airplane" mode during the scan.

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The app also provides other data like the weight, the number of “kicks” that you receive. You will thus follow its development. Listening to your future child's heartbeat anywhere and anytime is one thing but you can save and share with your loved ones. You can easily organize your prenatal care with the app and keep a pregnancy journal. It is a smart health connected system designed for improve monitoring of your pregnancy andexperience of bonding with your newborn before birth. Hearing it, trying to communicate with it may allow you to better bear your pregnancy and to be more relaxed during this period which can be sometimes difficult for you. However, it is unfortunate that the device cannot take "photographs" of the fetus as during ultrasound.

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GlobalBeat is the name of the platform used by people with a Bellabeat pregnancy sensor. This allowsinteract with other moms who use the app. You can find advice, support to help you, to support you. You will be able to share your daily experiences with others.

Cost and availability

This technology has a cost. For the moment the price is fixed at $ 129 (€ 94). This product is not marketed in France at the moment, there is no official release date planned. We can hope to see the device soon on the market.


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