Become a research teacher: training, job openings, salary …

Working in a university or a large school, the teacher-researcher occupies two distinct functions: transmitting his knowledge and advancing his field of knowledge. So if you too hesitate between teaching or searching, choose the double-cap!

The teacher-researcher performs two parallel activities: teaching and research. There are two categories of teacher-researchers: lecturers and the university professor.

The lecturer must provide 128 hours of lectures per year, or 192 hours of tutorial work or 288 hours of practical work. He works in universities, IUT, grandes écoles and any other public establishment in theHigher Education. He must also ensure the preparation of the courses, the supervision of the students, the correction of the partials or even the participation in the examination juries. Also a researcher, the lecturer performs basic research, or more rarely applied research, which he presents in scientific journals or at conferences.

The university professor teaches undergraduate, master or doctorate students and also directs the activities of the research center to which he belongs (CNRS, laboratory or university research). It provides 128 hours of annual lessons and around 192 hours of tutorials. It also monitors the work of doctoral students. As a researcher, the university professor tries to enrich his discipline through his research work. He also participates in symposia and publishes his research in specialized journals.

The main skills and qualities to have

The teacher-researcher must demonstrate various qualities both for the practice of research and for the transmission of their knowledge to students:

  • be an educator;
  • demonstrate intellectual curiosity;
  • know how to write scientific articles;
  • have great scientific rigor;
  • be patient and motivated;
  • have a good relationship;
  • be rigorous and methodical;
  • be comfortable speaking.

Working conditions

Teacher-researchers provide 128 hours of annual lessons or 192 hours of tutorial or practical work. Added to this are the many hours devoted to their research work, as well as the additional educational actions such as preparing lessons, correcting copies. The teacher-researcher works mainly in universities, but also in IUT or large school.

How to become a teacher-researcher?

The profession of teacher-researcher is accessible from a doctorate (bac +8). Certain positions also require obtaining the aggregation. Once the doctorate is obtained, the candidate registers on a qualification list. The National Council of Universities then makes a selection from this list. If the student is selected, he can then take the competition to become a lecturer or university professors (the authorization to supervise research is then compulsory).

The salary of a teacher-researcher

A beginner teacher-researcher earns between 2,000 and 3,000 euros gross depending on whether he is a lecturer or university professor. At the end of his career, his remuneration will be between 3,800 and 4,500 euros gross for a lecturer depending on his professional development and his grade. For university professors, the gross monthly salary at the end of their career will be between 3,800 and 6,100 euros, always depending on career development.

The development perspectives of a teacher-researcher

If he is a lecturer, a teacher-researcher can, after five years of experience, pass his qualification to supervise research (HDR) and enter the university professor competition.
If he is already a university professor, he can then progress to a position of responsibility as director of research unit, president of university, carry out expert missions to the Ministry of National Education …

Companies that employ teacher-researchers

  • universities;
  • large schools ;
  • IUT;
  • engineering schools;
  • ESPE.

My job explained to my mother


Mom, my job is to both teach and advance my area of ​​specialty through my research. In addition to giving lessons to my students, I direct practical work, I correct copies and I participate in the examination juries. I also devote an enormous amount of time to my work as a researcher, which then serves me in my teaching task. I am both a teacher and a student at the same time!

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