Become a cardiologist: training, job openings, salary …

A specialist doctor, the cardiologist examines his patients in order to detect cardiovascular disease. If you too have the heart on the hand and that you like as much the contact with the patients as the technological advances, the profession of cardiologist should please you.

The cardiologist is a doctor specializing in heart and vascular diseases. During the consultation, the cardiologist first questions his patient in order to learn more about the reasons for his visit: shortness of breath, pains chest, palpitations …; and on his risk factors : obesity, diabetes… He performs an examination during which he will examine the heart and lungs, take the pulse, measure the blood pressure, make a electrocardiogram or ask the patient to do a stress Review. After analyzing the results obtained, the cardiologist will be able to confirm or establish a diagnostic of the patient's condition.

Following this examination, the cardiologist delivers medical or surgical treatment to the patient, or indicates to him rules of healthy living or diet to prevent risks.

If he practices in a hospital, the cardiologist will also supervise the treatment of the patient and follow him throughout his hospitalization, whether in the intensive care unit or the coronary unit. In an emergency, he may also be required to manage the organization of medical care for the patient. The cardiologist may decide to specialize in a particular field such as pediatric cardiology, resuscitation orheart failure.

The main skills and qualities to have

The work of a cardiologist mobilizes different qualities and skills:

  • know the heart and cardiovascular illnesses ;
  • demonstrate scientific curiosity;
  • monitoring technological developments;
  • show composure in an emergency;
  • have a great listening capacity;
  • be rigorous and methodical;
  • have a maid resistance physical and nervous;
  • be an educator and haveempathy ;
  • master English;
  • participate in seminars.

Labor conditions

The profession of cardiologist can be exercised within a hospital (or a clinic) or within a cabinet, as a liberal profession. The cardiologist does not count his hours and his days are often very busy. He can be forced to standby at night or on weekends and must be available in an emergency. He often works in collaboration with other health professionals. The aging of the population favors the hiring of a cardiologist. There is a real outlet and increased demand in certain regions of France, particularly in a situation of desert medical.

How to become a cardiologist?

Ten years of study are necessary to be able to practice as a cardiologist. The candidate will thus have to obtain the first common year of health studies (PACES), then the second and third year comprising materials mandatory and optional. The fourth, fifth and sixth years of medicine allow to obtain the diploma of advanced training in medical sciences (DFASM). If he has the possibility at the end of the national classifying tests (ECN), the candidate can choose to specialize as a cardiologist, which requires an additional four to five years of training, validated by a diploma of specialized studies (DES ). The future cardiologist must finally defend his thesis to obtain the State Diploma of Doctor of Medicine.

The salary of a cardiologist

If he practices in hospital, the beginner cardiologist receives a salary of around 4000 euros gross per month. At the end of his career, his salary can reach 7000 euros gross monthly.

If he practices in a liberal cabinet, his salary will be much higher, with remuneration between 8,500 and 9,000 euros gross per month.

Prospects for a cardiologist

If he practices in hospital, an experienced cardiologist can eventually become director of a specialized unit. He can also decide to open his own cardiology practice as a liberal. It can also carry out research work for universities, pharmaceutical laboratories or INSERM. The cardiologist can also choose to become a teacher-researcher and teach in a CHU. Finally, the cardiologist can participate in the implementation of public health programs or intervene as a volunteer in an NGO in order to participate in humanitarian missions.

Companies that employ cardiologists

  • CHU
  • Clinics
  • Liberal cabinet

My job explained to my mother

Mom, my job is to examine a patient to establish a diagnostic specific. I take the pulse, I check the heart, I pass stress tests, I prescribe a diet or advise the practice of sports … The profession of cardiologist is as varied as the potential pathologies! In direct contact with my patients, I must be an educator and have a good relationship to reassure them. A job that really requires not having a heart of stone!

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