Bactrack Skyn ​​- A wearable that measures your alcohol level

Bactrack Skyn ​​is a smart health connected bracelet that measures the levels of alcohol in your blood by analyzing your sweat. This wearable could be very handy for helping doctors and even the police.

Bactrack Skyn ​​therefore allows you to monitoring your blood alcohol level in real time; or almost. If I’m talking about it today, it’s because this smart health smart health connected object just won a $ 200,000 prize in a competition sponsored by the United States government.

Bactrack Skyn

Equipped with an electrochemical transdermal sensor, it can detect ethanol molecules that leak through the skin through sweat. Then, using a homemade algorithm, this smart health bracelet can accurately calculate your blood alcohol level. The results can then be synchronized to a smartphone or smartwatch belonging to the wearer, or to a member of the wearer's family, with the possibility of receiving an alert when you are above the authorized limit for driving.

However, it should be said that this technology cannot actually give you a measure of your BAC in real time. In fact, ethanol takes about 45 minutes to begin to pass through the skin.

"It can help doctors accurately measure a patient's blood alcohol level. This can be very useful as part of a treatment. Said Dr. George Koob, head of the NIH National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Bactrack Skyn ​​smart health connected wristbands could also be used by police and other law enforcement when they need to know someone’s alcohol consumption.

This wearable has not yet received any FDA approval. If you are interested, you can already subscribe to the waiting list for pre-orders. The product is expected to be available in "limited quantities" by the end of 2016.



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